
Whether you are an admin user or an organization user, you can access specific settings to support your use of Hazelcast Cloud, including managing your profile and API key. Organization users must accept an invition to join the organization account before they can access the Cloud console.

Organization users cannot accept an invitation to join an organization account if they are associated with a different organization using the same email address. For further information on accepting an invitation, see the Accept Invitation to Organization section.

All users can do the following:

  • View the name of their associated organization. For further information on viewing the organization name, see the View Organization Details topic

  • View and update their profile. For further information on updating your profile, see the View and Update Profile topic

  • Enable and disable MFA on their account. For further information on enabling and disabling MFA for your sign in, see the Multi-Factor Authentication topic

  • Generate, copy, and delete an API key. For further information on the API key, see the Manage API Key topic

  • Change the password used to sign in to their account. For further information on changing the password associated with your sign in, see the Change Password topic

For further information on the additional options, which are available to admin users only, see the Organizations section.