
When you create a Cloud account, an organization is created. This organization has a single administrator who has the same set of permissions that are granted to organization users, plus access to organization-level settings such as user management and payments. All resource-related information belongs to the organization.

The admin user manages the following:

  • Account creation. You need an account to use Cloud. On creation of an account, an organization is created. For further information on creating an account, see the Create Account section

  • The name of the organization. You enter an organization name during account creation, but this can be changed at any time. For further information on changing the organization name, see the Update Organization Name topic

  • Organization users. You can invite users to join your organization, or remove them from the organization. For further information on adding organization users and the available user roles, see the Add Users section. For further information on removing users, see the Remove User topic

  • Account deletion. Deleting the account removes the organization, and all assoicated resources and users. For further information on deleting the organization, see the Delete an Account topic

  • Billing and payments. You can view your organization usage and bills, update your payment method, and create spending alerts to help manage your budget. For further information on billing and payments, see the Billing and Payments section

For further information on the additional options, which are available to all users, see the Users section.