Pausing and Resuming Clusters

You can avoid charges accumulating in your account by pausing clusters when you aren’t using them.

Pausing a Cluster

Pausing your cluster can help minimize your costs because you are charged only for running clusters. Development clusters are paused automatically when you don’t connect to the cluster for 24 hours.

  1. Sign into the Cloud console and select your cluster.

  2. Click Pause and confirm your choice.

If you’re using a Cloud Standard production cluster, Hazelcast saves your cluster data so that you can resume the cluster at a later time.

What is cluster data?

Cluster data includes the following:

  • Configuration settings

  • Cluster-side modules

  • Jobs

  • Map and JCache data structures

If you’re using a Cloud Standard development cluster, all cluster data is lost after the cluster is paused.

Resuming a Cluster

  1. Sign into the Cloud console and select your cluster.

  2. Click Resume.