5.5.0 Release Notes

These release notes list any new features, enhancements, and fixes that were made between version 5.4.1 and 5.5.0 of Hazelcast Management Center (MC).

If you are upgrading Management Center from a version earlier than 5.4.0, a data migration step is required as Management Center 5.5.0 uses H2 2.x as its internal database instead of H2 1.x (as used in previous releases). If you use the provided hz-mc or mc-start scripts to start Management Center, this data migration is handled automatically by the script. If you use a custom run script, refer to the documentation for comprehensive instructions on migrating Management Center data. If the internal database is not upgraded, then Management Center will start with a new configuration.

New Features

  • Added screens for Vector Collection data structures. [MC-2875]

  • Added support for multi-version Rolling Upgrade. [MC-2820]

  • Added support for MULTI_MEMBER clients. [MC-2638]

  • Added support for multi-resource user code namespaces. [MC-2772]

  • Added support for Log4j2 JsonTemplateLayout logging. [MC-2844]

  • Added an ability to demote a data member to a lite member. [MC-2823]

  • Added an ability to preview Client Filtering results. [MC-2715]

  • Added an ability to specify allowed Client Filtering modes. [MC-2715]


  • Improved logging of H2 Database upgrade process. [MC-2668]

  • Improved styling of WAN Replication table. [MC-2711]

  • HealthCheck icon now reflects the highest severity issue detected. [MC-2867]

  • Added cpDirectToLeader property value to Client screen. [MC-2902]

  • Added Slow Operations details to Member Listing screen. [MC-2783]

  • Added a link to the License Feature CP Section if CP Subsystem is disabled. [MC-2847]

  • Added ability for WAN Replication reference of an IMaps. [MC-2729]

  • Added ability to configure consistency-check-strategy during dynamic creation of a WAN publisher. [MC-243]

  • Added ability to load OIDC configuration parameters from an OIDC configuration endpoint. [MC-2733]

in Clustered REST API memberConnection allowed field values have been changed from ALL | <member-address> to ALL_MEMBERS | MULTI_MEMBER | SINGLE_MEMBER


  • Fixed layout on Members Listing screen when slow operations are detected. [MC-2918]

  • Fixed links in license expiration popups. [MC-2719]

  • Jet job Received Items count no longer increases if the stream has been cancelled. [MC-2761]

  • Entry cost is no longer shown with fraction of bytes. [MC-2084]

  • Quick zoom in the chart no longer results in page scrolling and faded details. [MC-2486]

  • Turning off SQL Browser no longer returns user to Dashboard instead of the previous page. [MC-2678]

  • An error toast is shown now when user tries to add an expired license. [MC-2773]

  • Dropdowns no longer break WAN Replication layout when long values are selected. [MC-2784]

  • The number of User Code Namespaces displayed is no longer capped at 5. [MC-2892]