Vector Collections

You can see a list of all the vector collections in your cluster by clicking on the Vector Collections menu item on the left panel. A new page is opened on the right, as shown below.

Vector Collection Grid View

Table 1. Vector Collection fields
Field Description


Name of vector collection.

Creation Time

First time the key was put.

Last Access Time

Last time the clients read the key’s value.

Last Update Time

Last time the key’s value was updated.

You can filter and sort the displayed vector collections by clicking on the column headers. Click on a vector collection name to open a new page for monitoring that vector collection instance on the right, as shown below.

Monitoring Vector Collection

Monitoring a Vector Collection

The vector collection monitoring page shows two graphs that show various metrics for the vector collection. For more info on using graphs, see Graphs.

Under these charts are Vector Collection Statistics and Vector Collection Throughput data tables.

Vector Collection Statistic Table provides statistics distributed over the members, as shown below.

Vector Collection Statistic Data Table

From left to right, this table lists the following:

Table 2. Vector Collection Statistics fields
Field Description


IP address and port of the member.


Number of entries owned by the member.

Entry Heap Memory

Memory heap cost of owned entries in the member.

Heap Cost

Memory cost of owned entries in the member.


Number of backup operations held by the member.

Backup Entries

Number of backup entries held by the member.

Backup Entry Heap Memory Cost

Memory heap cost of owned entries in the backup.


Number of get operations received by the member.


Number of set operations received by the member.


Number of put operations received by the member.

Put All

Number of put all operations received by the member.

Put All Entries

Number of put all entries received by the member.


Number of delete operations received by the member.


Number of remove operations received by the member.


Number of clear operations received by the member.


Number of optimize operations received by the member.


Number of size operations received by the member.


Number of search operations received by the member.

Search Results

Number of search results.

You can ascend or descend the order of the listings by clicking on the column headings.

Vector Collection Throughput Table provides information about the operations (get, put, remove) performed on each member in the vector collection, as shown below.

Vector Collection Throughput Data Table

From left to right, this table lists the following:

Table 3. Vector Collection Throughput Statistics fields
Field Description


IP address and port of the member.


Number of get operations per second on the member.


Number of put operations per second on the member.

Put Alls/s

Number of put all operations per second on the member.


Number of remove operations per second on the member.


Number of local set operations per second on the member.


Number of delete operations per second on the member.


Number of clear operations per second on the member.


Number of search operations per second on the member.


Number of optimize operations per second on the member.


Number of size operations per second on the member.

Avg Get Latency

Average latency of get operations on the member.

Avg Put Latency

Average latency of put operations on the member.

Avg Put All Latency

Average latency of put all operations on the member.

Avg Remove Latency

Average latency of remove operations on the member.

Avg Set Latency

Average latency of set operations on the member.

Avg Delete Latency

Average latency of delete operations on the member.

Avg Clear Latency

Average latency of clear operations on the member.

Avg Search Latency

Average latency of search operations on the member.

Avg Optimize Latency

Average latency of optimize operations on the member.

Avg Size Latency

Average latency of size operations on the member.

Max Avg Get Latency

Maximum Average latency of get operations on the member.

Max Avg Put Latency

Maximum Average latency of put operations on the member.

Max Avg Put All Latency

Maximum Average latency of put all operations on the member.

Max Avg Remove Latency

Maximum Average latency of remove operations on the member.

Max Avg Set Latency

Maximum Average latency of set operations on the member.

Max Avg Delete Latency

Maximum Average latency of delete operations on the member.

Max Avg Clear Latency

Maximum Average latency of clear operations on the member.

Max Avg Search Latency

Maximum Average latency of search operations on the member.

Max Avg Optimize Latency

Maximum Average latency of optimize operations on the member.

Max Avg Size Latency

Maximum Average latency of size operations on the member.

You can select the time period for the table using the combo box in the top right corner of the window: * Since Beginning * Last Minute * Last 10 Minutes * Last 1 Hour

To change the order of entries to ascending or descending, click on the appropriate column heading.