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Vector Collection Connector

Vector collection stores vectors with their related metadata. This allows entries to be found efficiently based on vector distance.

For further information on vector collections, see Vector Collection.

Installing the Connector

This connector is included in the full and slim Enterprise Edition distributions of Hazelcast.


If security is enabled, you can set up permissions to restrict clients' access to these data structures.

To search in vector collection, you must add the create and read permissions for those collections. If you use the vector collection sink to write to vector collections, you must add the create and put permissions for those collections.

For further information on adding these permissions, see Client Security.

Vector Collection as a Sink

To write an entry to a vector collection, to index it for searching, create a key and VectorDocument, which consists of additional metadata and vectors (embeddings). Embeddings can be generated earlier in the pipeline or loaded or obtained from external source.

Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
p.readFrom(Sources.<String, String>map("idToDocumentText"))
  // generate embeddings
            (service, e) -> tuple3(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), VectorValues.of(service.embed(e.getValue()).content().vector())))
  // write to vector collection
  .writeTo(VectorSinks.vectorCollection("indexedDocuments", Tuple3::f0, Tuple3::f1, Tuple3::f2));

Searching in Vector Collection

You can search vector collections in Jet pipelines using VectorTransforms.mapUsingVectorSearch transformation.

Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
p.readFrom(TestSources.items("text to search for"))
  // generate embedding for the object for which we are finding similarities
            (service, query) -> tuple2(query, VectorValues.of(service.embed(query).content().vector())))
  // find similar objects
            // query vector
            // process the search results
            (input, result) -> tuple2(input, result)))
  // use the results