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.NET Client

API docs
For the latest .NET API documentation, see Hazelcast .NET Client docs.

The Hazelcast native .NET client is an official library that allows .NET applications to connect to and interact with Hazelcast clusters. The key features and benefits include:

  • Distributed Data Structures: it provides access to Hazelcast’s distributed data structures such as maps, queues, topics, and more

  • SQL Support: ihe client allows running SQL queries over distributed data

  • Near Cache: it supports Near Cache for faster read speeds. Eventual consistency is also supported

  • Security Features: the client offers SSL support and Mutual Authentication for enterprise-level security needs

  • JSON Object Support: it allows using and querying JSON objects

  • Zero Downtime Upgrades: Blue/Green failover for zero downtime during upgrades is supported

  • Scalability: the Hazelcast .NET Client is designed to scale up to hundreds of members and thousands of clients, making it suitable for large-scale applications

These features make the Hazelcast .NET Client ideal for .NET applications requiring high-performance, scalable, and distributed data processing capabilities.

Next steps

For more information about configuring, starting, and using the client, see the Hazelcast .NET client GitHub documentation. You can also find code samples for the client in this repo.