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C++ Client

API docs
For the latest C++ API documentation, see Hazelcast C++ Client docs.

The Hazelcast native C++ client is an official library that allows C++ applications to connect to and interact with Hazelcast clusters. The key features and benefits include:

  • Distributed Data Structures: the client offers access to various distributed data structures such as Map, Queue, Set, List, MultiMap, and RingBuffer. It also gives access to transactional distributed data structures such as transactional_map, transactional_queue, etc.

  • Near Cache Support: the Near Cache feature allows frequently read data to be stored for faster read speeds compared to traditional caches

  • Enterprise-Level security: the client provides SSL support for enhanced security requirements

  • Distributed synchronization: the client offers distributed synchronization mechanisms through the CP Subsystem, including fenced_lock, counting_semaphore and latch

  • Smart Client functionality: by default, it operates as a smart client, meaning it knows the data location within the cluster and can directly request the correct member (note that you can disable this feature using the client_config::set_smart_routing method if you do not want the clients to connect to every member)

  • Listeners: ability to add cluster listeners to a cluster and entry/item listeners to distributed data structures

  • Cloud integration: it offers the ability to discover existing Hazelcast clusters in an AWS environment

  • Asynchronous operations: the client supports asynchronous execution of tasks in the cluster and non-blocking asynchronous methods for improved performance

  • Flexible installation: it can be installed using package managers like Vcpkg or Conan, or built from source using CMake

By using the Hazelcast C++ client, developers can build high-performance, distributed applications in C++ that leverage Hazelcast’s powerful in-memory computing platform.

Next steps

For information on setting up, installing and compiling the client, and about its serialization, query support and available APIs, see the Hazelcast C++ Client GitHub repo. You can also find code samples for this client in this repo.