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Node.js Client

API docs
For the latest Node.js API documentation, see Hazelcast Node.js Client docs.

The Hazelcast native Node.js client is an official library that allows Node.js applications to connect to and interact with Hazelcast clusters. It is implemented using the Hazelcast Open Binary Client Protocol, and provides a promise-based API with built-in support for native JavaScript objects. The key features and benefits include:

  • Distributed data structures: the client offers access to various distributed data structures like Map, MultiMap, Set, List, Queue, and more

  • Multi-layer caching: you can build a multi-layer cache for your applications using Hazelcast Map, which is a distributed and replicated key-value store

  • Fast JSON querying: the client allows querying JSON data at speeds surpassing traditional document stores

  • Near Cache: this allows storing frequently read data in your Node.js process, providing faster read speeds than popular caching solutions

  • Pub-sub communication: the client enables pub-sub communication between application instances

  • Prevent races with Lock: the client provides locking mechanisms to prevent race conditions when accessing shared resources

  • SQL support: the client supports SQL queries for optimized distributed queries on the keys and values of maps in a local cluster

These features make the Hazelcast Node.js client a powerful tool for building distributed, high-performance Node.js applications to leverage Hazelcast’s in-memory computing capabilities.

Next steps

For more information, see the Hazelcast Node.js client GitHub repo and code samples.