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Python Client

API docs
For the latest Python API documentation, see Hazelcast Python Client docs.

The Hazelcast native Python client is an official library that allows Python applications to connect to and interact with Hazelcast clusters. It is implemented using the Hazelcast Open Binary Client Protocol. The key features and benefits include:

  • Distributed Data Structures: the client provides access to Hazelcast’s distributed data structures such as maps, queues, topics, lists, sets, and more

  • SQL Support: it offers the ability to query Map data using standard SQL syntax

  • JSON Object Support: it allows using and querying JSON objects

  • Compact Serialization: the client supports Compact serialization, which provides efficient serialization for objects

  • DBAPI Support: it implements the DBAPI interface on top of the SQL service, making it compatible with various libraries and tools

  • Near Cache: the client supports the Near Cache feature for faster read speeds on frequently accessed data

  • Integration with Jupyter Notebook: the client can be used in Jupyter Notebook environments, enabling interactive data analysis and visualization

These features make the Hazelcast Python Client a powerful tool for Python applications requiring distributed computing, in-memory data processing, and real-time analytics capabilities.

Next steps

For more information, see the Hazelcast Python client GitHub repo and code samples.