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Declarative Configuration

This is the configuration option where you use an XML or a YAML configuration file. When you download and unzip hazelcast-5.0.5.zip, you see the following files present in the /bin directory, which are standard configuration files:

  • hazelcast-default.xml: Default declarative XML configuration file for Hazelcast. The configuration for Hazelcast’s storage and streaming engines in this XML file should be fine for most of the Hazelcast users. If not, you can tailor this XML file according to your needs by adding/removing/modifying properties. You can browse through the Clustering Configurations section to learn about configuring Hazelcast’s several aspects including networking and Jet engine.

  • hazelcast-default.yaml: Default YAML configuration file identical to hazelcast.xml in content.

  • hazelcast-full-example.xml: Configuration file which includes all Hazelcast configuration elements and attributes with their descriptions. It is the "superset" of hazelcast.xml. You can use hazelcast-full-example.xml as a reference document to learn about any element or attribute, or you can change its name to hazelcast.xml and start to use it as your Hazelcast configuration file.

  • hazelcast-full-example.yaml: YAML configuration file identical to hazelcast-full-example.xml in content.

  • hazelcast-client-full-example.xml: Complete Hazelcast Java client example configuration file which includes all configuration elements and attributes with their descriptions. Read more about Java client configuration here.

  • hazelcast-client-full-example.yaml: YAML configuration file identical to hazelcast-client-full-example.xml in content.

  • hazelcast-client-failover-full-example.xml: Complete Hazelcast client failover example configuration file which includes all Hazelcast client failover configuration elements and attributes with their descriptions. Read about Blue-Green Deployment and Disaster Recovery here.

  • hazelcast-client-failover-full-example.yaml: YAML configuration file identical to hazelcast-client-failover-full-example.xml in content.

A part of the default XML/YAML configurations is shown as an example below.

  • XML

  • YAML

    <management-center scripting-enabled="false" />
        <port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
            Allowed port range when connecting to other members.
            0 or * means the port provided by the system.
            <multicast enabled="true">
	    <tcp-ip enabled="false">
    <map name="default">
  cluster-name: dev
    scripting-enabled: false
      auto-increment: true
      port-count: 100
      port: 5701
      # Allowed port range when connecting to other members.
      # 0 or * means use system provided port.
      - 0
        enabled: true
        multicast-port: 54327
        enabled: false
      time-to-live-seconds: 0

Composing Declarative Configuration

You can compose the declarative configuration of your Hazelcast member or Hazelcast client from multiple declarative configuration snippets. In order to compose a declarative configuration, you can import different declarative configuration files. Composing configuration files is supported both in XML and YAML configurations with the limitation that only configuration files written in the same language can be composed.

Let’s say you want to compose the declarative configuration for Hazelcast out of two XML configurations: development-cluster-config.xml and development-network-config.xml. These two configurations are shown below.




        <port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
            <multicast enabled="true">

To get your example Hazelcast declarative configuration out of the above two, use the <import/> element as shown below.

    <import resource="development-group-config.xml"/>
    <import resource="development-network-config.xml"/>

The above example using the YAML configuration files looks like the following:


  cluster-name: dev


      auto-increment: true
      port-count: 100
      port: 5701
        enabled: true
        multicast-port: 54327

Composing the above two YAML configuration files needs them to be imported as shown below.

    - development-group-config.yaml
    - development-network-config.yaml

This feature also applies to the declarative configuration of Hazelcast client. See the following examples.





To get a Hazelcast client declarative configuration from the above two examples, use the <import/> element as shown below.

    <import resource="client-cluster-config.xml"/>
    <import resource="client-network-config.xml"/>

The same client configuration using the YAML language is shown below.


  cluster-name: dev



Composing a Hazelcast client declarative configuration by importing the above two examples is shown below.

    - client-cluster-config.yaml
    - client-network-config.yaml
Use <import/> element on top level of the XML hierarchy.
Use the import mapping on top level of the YAML hierarchy.

Resources from the classpath and file system may also be used to compose a declarative configuration:

    <import resource="file:///etc/hazelcast/development-cluster-config.xml"/> <!-- loaded from filesystem -->
    <import resource="classpath:development-network-config.xml"/>  <!-- loaded from classpath -->
    # loaded from filesystem
    - file:///etc/hazelcast/development-cluster-config.yaml
    # loaded from classpath
    - classpath:development-network-config.yaml

Importing resources with variables in their names is also supported. See the following example snippets:

    <import resource="${environment}-cluster-config.xml"/>
    <import resource="${environment}-network-config.xml"/>
    - ${environment}-cluster-config.yaml
    - ${environment}-network-config.yaml
See the Using Variables section to learn how you can set the configuration elements with variables.

Configuring Declaratively with YAML

You can configure the Hazelcast members and Java clients declaratively with YAML configuration files in installations of Hazelcast running on Java runtime version 8 or above.

The structure of the YAML configuration follows the structure of the XML configuration.

In the YAML declarative configuration, mappings are used in which the name of the mapping node needs to be unique within its enclosing mapping. See the following example of configuring two maps in the same configuration file.

In the XML configuration files, we have two <map> elements as shown below.

    <map name="map1">
        <!-- map1 configuration -->
    <map name="map2">
        <!-- map2 configuration -->

In the YAML configuration, the map can be configured under a mapping map as shown in the following example.

          # map1 configuration
          # map2 configuration

The XML and YAML configurations above define the same maps map1 and map2. Please note that in the YAML configuration file there is no name node, instead, the name of the map is used as the name of the mapping for configuring the given map.

There are other configuration entries that have no unique names and are listed in the same enclosing entry. Examples to this kind of configurations are listing the member addresses, interfaces in the networking configurations and defining listeners. The following example configures listeners to illustrate this.


In the YAML configuration, the listeners are defined as a sequence.

    - com.hazelcast.examples.MembershipListener
    - com.hazelcast.examples.MigrationListener
    - com.hazelcast.examples.PartitionLostListener

Another notable difference between XML and YAML is the lack of the attributes in the case of YAML. Everything that can be configured with an attribute in the XML configuration is a scalar node in the YAML configuration with the same name. See the following example.

            <multicast enabled="true">
                <!-- other multicast configuration options -->

In the identical YAML configuration, the enabled attribute of the XML configuration is a scalar node on the same level with the other items of the multicast configuration.

        enabled: true
        # other multicast configuration options

You can refer to the full example YAML configuration files placed in the /bin directory of the downloadable hazelcast-5.0.5.zip after unzipping it. Please see the complete list of the full example YAML configurations here.

Setting the Path to a Configuration File

Before looking for configuration files either in your working directory or in the classpath, Hazelcast checks the hazelcast.config system property. For details about precedence, see Configuration Precedence.

You may want to use this option if you have configuration files for different environments and you want to start members with different configurations. For example, you may have a test configuration file and a production configuration file.

-Dhazelcast.config=`*`<path to the hazelcast.xml or hazelcast.yaml>

The path can be a regular one or a classpath reference with the prefix classpath:.

The suffix of the filename is used to determine the language of the configuration. If the suffix is .xml the configuration file is parsed as an XML configuration file. If it is .yaml, the configuration file is parsed as a YAML configuration file.