
Best Practices

Please review Hazelcast Health Monitor logs regularly to understand the system runtime stability. Monitor Hazelcast logs and scan for failure messages regularly. Any incidences should be investigated and documented so as to understand your network better and find ways to provision, configure and manage your network more efficiently.

Hazelcast provides multi-level tolerance configurations in a cluster:

  1. Garbage collection (GC) tolerance—When a member fails to respond to health check probes on the existing socket connection but is actually responding to health probes sent on a new socket, it can be presumed to be stuck either in a long GC or in another long-running task. Adequate tolerance levels configured here may allow the member to come back from its stuck state within permissible SLAs.

  2. Network tolerance—When a member is temporarily unreachable by any means, temporary network communication errors may cause members to become unresponsive. In such a scenario, adequate tolerance levels configured here will allow the member to return to healthy operation within permissible SLAs.

You should establish tolerance levels for garbage collection and network connectivity and then set monitors to raise alerts when those tolerance thresholds are crossed. Customers with a Hazelcast subscription can use the extensive monitoring capabilities of the Management Center to set monitors and alerts.

In addition to the Management Center, we recommend that you use jstat and keep verbose GC logging turned on and use a log scraping tool like Splunk or similar to monitor GC behavior. Back-to-back full GCs and anything above 90% heap occupancy after a full GC should be cause for alarm. Hazelcast dumps a set of information into the console of each instance that may further be used to create alerts.

Basic Steps for Monitoring and Auditing

  • Make sure that all members are reachable by every other member in the cluster and are also accessible by the clients (ports, network, etc).

  • Start Hazelcast member instances first. While not mandatory, this is a best practice to avoid clients timing out or complaining that no Hazelcast member is found, which can happen if the clients are started before the members.

  • Enable/start a system monitor tool, e.g., nmon.

  • To add more members to an already running cluster, start a member with a similar configuration to the other members with the possible addition of the IP address of the new member. A maintenance window is not required to add more members to an already running Hazelcast cluster.

    • When a member is added to or removed from a Hazelcast cluster, the clients may see a little pause time, but this is normal. This is essentially the time required by Hazelcast members to rebalance the data upon the arrival or departure of a member.

    • There is no need to change anything on the clients when adding more members to the running cluster. The clients update themselves automatically to connect to the new member once it has successfully joined the cluster.

    • Rebalancing of data (primary plus backup) on arrival or departure (forced or unforced) of a member is an automated process and no manual intervention is required.

    • You can promote your lite members to become data members. To do this, either use the Cluster API or Management Center.

    • Setting hazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size to 4 and starting members one by one (empty cluster, no operation) can result in unexpected cluster partitioning behavior: After reaching hazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size, partition table arrangement is initialized even though there’s no data. When used in large clusters (>100), this adds an unnecessary overhead of partition assignment on each member addition.

  • Check that you have configured an adequate backup count based on your SLAs.

  • When using distributed computing features, such as executor service or entry processors, any change in the client application logic or in the implementation of these must also be applied to the members. All the members must be restarted after the new code is deployed using the typical cluster re-deployment process: first shutdown the members, then deploy the new application JARs in the members' classpath, and start the members.

Management Center

Hazelcast Management Center enables you to monitor and manage your cluster members running Hazelcast. In addition to monitoring the overall state of your clusters, you can also analyze and browse your data structures in detail, update map configurations and take thread dumps from members. You can run scripts (JavaScript, Groovy, etc.) and commands on your members with its scripting and console modules.

See the Management Center documentation for more information and find details about its clustered JMX and clustered REST APIs

Because Management Center is a client that connects to the cluster, you can control the following aspects of Management Center in the member configuration file:

Managing Scripting Support

Management Center allows you to execute scripts that can automate interactions with the cluster.

By default, scripting is disabled for security. Scripting engines give code access to the underlying system on the members (files and other resources) and run with the same permissions as the current user. You can enable scripting in the member configuration file:

  • XML

  • YAML

    <management-center scripting-enabled="true" />
    scripting-enabled: true

Note that the JSR 223 API is used in Hazelcast to support scripting.

Managing Console Support

Management Center allows you to execute client operations using built-in Hazelcast Command-Line Client (CLC) in the user interface. This console is useful for testing and development purposes. You can enable the console in the member configuration file:

  • XML

  • YAML

    <management-center console-enabled="true" />
    console-enabled: true

See the Management Center documentation for more information.

Managing Data Access

Management Center allows you to access contents of Hazelcast data structures (for instance map entries) via SQL Browser or Map Browser. It may be useful to restrict data access for Management Center if sensitive financial or personal information is stored in the cluster. Management Center can’t access the data if at least one member has the data access disabled. You can disable data access for Management Center in the member configuration file:

  • XML

  • YAML

    <management-center data-access-enabled="false" />
    data-access-enabled: false

Limiting Source Addresses

By default, any instance of Management Center can connect to a cluster as long as it can be authenticated. To restrict access only to trusted instances of Management Center, you can define the trusted IP addresses in the trusted-interfaces configuration setting. This setting supports wildcards (*) and ranges (-).

  • XML

  • YAML

      - 192.168.1.*

Instance Tracking

Instance tracking is a feature which, when enabled, writes a file on the instance startup at the configured location. The file contains metadata about the instance, such as version, product name and process ID. This file can then later be used by other programs to detect the kinds of Hazelcast instances that have been running on a particular machine by inspecting the file contents. This feature supports both Community Edition and Enterprise Edition members and clients, and is disabled by default. Failing to write the file only generates a warning, and the instance is allowed to start.

The name and content of the file are configurable and may contain placeholders. The placeholders used for instance tracking have a prefix so that they can be distinguished from the other ones like XML placeholders. We use the same style as the EncryptionReplacer by adding a "namespace" to the placeholder prefix; for example, $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{start_timestamp} (the namespace here being HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING).

In addition to the above, the Hazelcast instance overwrites any existing file in the configured location. To prevent this, you can configure the file location using the placeholders in the same way they can be used when defining the file contents. For example, if the file name is configured as Hazelcast-$HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{pid}-$HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{start_timestamp}.process, it contains the process ID and the creation time, making it unique every time the instance is started. The created file is not deleted on member shutdown. As such, it leaves a trace of instances started on a particular machine. The file creation process also is fail-safe meaning that the instance will proceed with starting even though it is unable to write the tracking file and the instance will only log a warning.

Auditing the Instance Tracking File

When you enable the instance tracking feature and its file is created on a member startup, the full path of the file with its name is set into a system property of the JVM running the Hazelcast member, i.e., hazelcast.config.instance.tracking.file.

You can audit that all your running Hazelcast members in your environment have the instance tracking file name set correctly. For this, you can use the jcmd utility As shown below.

jcmd <PID> VM.system_properties | grep hazelcast.config.instance.tracking.file

PID here is the process ID of your JVM on which Hazelcast member runs. It will give you an output similar to following:


See below for the example content of an instance tracking file.

Configuring Instance Tracking

Here is an example of programmatic member-side Java configuration:

Config config = new Config();

The equivalent declarative configuration is as follows:

  • XML

  • YAML

<hazelcast xmlns=""

    <instance-tracking enabled="true">

    enabled: true
    file-name: /tmp/hz-tracking.txt
    format-pattern: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING\{product}:$HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING\{version}

You can use this configuration to enable the instance tracking feature, specify the file name and the pattern for the file contents. By default, the feature is disabled, the file name is Hazelcast.process in the OS temporary directory as returned by System.getProperty("") and the file contents are JSON-formatted key-value pairs of all available metadata.

The client configuration is analogous and only differs in the name of the outer configuration block or configuration instance containing the instance tracking configuration.

Here is an example when running a client instance:

{"product":"Hazelcast", "version":"5.0.0", "pid":27746, "mode":"client", "start_timestamp":1595851430741, "licensed":0}

Here is an example when running a member instance in the "server" mode:

{"product":"Hazelcast", "version":"5.0.0", "pid":27746, "mode":"server", "start_timestamp":1595851430741, "licensed":1}

And here is an example when running a member instance in the "embedded" mode:

{"product":"Hazelcast", "version":"5.0.0", "pid":27746, "mode":"embedded", "start_timestamp":1595851430741, "licensed":1}

You can specify a custom format by using a predefined set of available metadata keys an example of which is shown below:

String format = "mode: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{mode}\n"
        + "product: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING\{product}\n"
        + "licensed: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{licensed}\n"
        + "missing: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{missing}\n"
        + "broken: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{broken ";

This should produce a file with the following content:

mode: embedded
product: Hazelcast
licensed: 0
missing: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{missing}
broken: $HZ_INSTANCE_TRACKING{broken

As you can see, once we encounter a broken placeholder, all subsequent placeholders are ignored. On the other hand, missing placeholders are skipped and subsequent placeholders are resolved.

The currently valid metadata placeholders and their possible values are as follows:

  • product: Instance product name, e.g., "Hazelcast" or "Hazelcast Enterprise".

  • version: Instance version.

  • mode: Instance mode, e.g., "server", "embedded" or "client"

  • start_timestamp: the timestamp of when the instance was started as the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

  • licensed: Specifies whether the instance is using a license or not. The value 0 signifies that there is no license set and the value 1 signifies that a license is in use.

  • pid: Attempts to get the process ID value. The algorithm does not guarantee to get the process ID on all JVMs and operating systems so please test before use. In case we are unable to get the PID, the value is -1.

The possible values for the product placeholder: Hazelcast, Hazelcast Enterprise, Hazelcast Client, Hazelcast Client Enterprise.

The possible values for the mode placeholder:

  • server: This value is used when the instance was started using the or start.bat scripts.

  • client: This instance is a Hazelcast client instance.

  • embedded: This instance is embedded in another Java program.


Hazelcast exposes various metrics to facilitate monitoring of the cluster state. They are <string,value> key-value pairs of data that capture the runtime information about the members and clients in a Hazelcast cluster. Such a metric can be the number of entries stored in a particular IMap on a given member, JVM metrics like used heap, OS metrics like load average, and so on.

The metrics system is responsible for collecting these metrics and making them available for the consumers of the metrics. There are a few hundred metrics collected during every metrics collection cycle by default, but the number of metrics grows as more features and data structures are used. This is because every data structure provides its own metrics. For example, if there are two IMaps used in a cluster, both IMaps produce their metrics on every member.

Metrics have associated tags which describe which object the metric applies to. For example, the tags for job metrics typically indicate the specific DAG vertex and processor the metric belongs to.

Each metric instance provided belongs to a particular Hazelcast cluster member, so different cluster members can have their own versions of the same metric with different values.

The metric collection runs in regular intervals on each member, but note that the metric collection on different cluster members happens at different moments in time. So if you try to correlate metrics from different members, they can be from different moments of time.

Hazelcast Metrics

There are a wide range of metrics and statistics provided by Hazelcast:

  • cluster-wide metrics

  • statistics of distributed data structures (see member statistics)

  • executor statistics (see executor statistics)

  • partition related statistics (state, migration, replication)

  • garbage collection statistics

  • memory statistics for the JVM which current Hazelcast member belongs to (total physical/free OS memory, max/committed/used/free heap memory and max/committed/used/free native memory)

  • network traffic related statistics (traffic and queue sizes)

  • class loading related statistics

  • thread count information (current, peak and daemon thread counts)

  • job-specific metrics

See the full list of Hazelcast metrics in List of Metrics appendix.

User-defined Metrics

User-defined metrics are actually a subset of job metrics. What distinguishes them from regular job-specific metrics is exactly what their name implies: they are not built-in, but defined when processing pipelines are written.

Since user-defined metrics are also job metrics, they will have all the tags job metrics have. They also have an extra tag, called user which is of type boolean and is set to true.

Due to the extra tag user-defined metrics have it’s not possible for them to overwrite a built-in metric, even if they have the exact same name.

Let’s see how one would go about defining such metrics. For example if you would like to monitor your filtering step you could write code like this:

 .filter(l -> {
     boolean pass = l % 2 == 0;
     if (!pass) {
     return pass;

User-defined metrics can be used anywhere in pipeline definitions where custom code can be added. This means (just to name the most important ones): filtering, mapping and flat-mapping functions, various constituent functions of aggregations (accumulate, create, combine, deduct, export & finish), key extraction function when grouping, in custom batch sources, custom stream sources, custom sinks, processors and so on.

Exposing Metrics

The following are the tools and interfaces to expose the metrics to the outside world:

  • Management Center

  • JMX

  • Diagnostics (see here)

  • Prometheus

  • Job API

Management Center

Management Center receives the metrics used for building its view about the Hazelcast cluster from the metrics system. The members collect their metrics with the frequency defined with collection-frequency-seconds, which is by default once in every 5 seconds. Then it saves the collected metrics into a blob stored in an in-memory buffer. The blob then is retained for the time configured in the retention-seconds under the management-center configuration block. This is also 5 seconds by default, which means there is at most one blob stored by default. Management Center periodically reads out the metrics from this buffer, which frees up the heap occupied by the blob once it is consumed.

As mentioned earlier, the client metrics are also stored in these blobs on the member side with timestamps assigned to them on the client side.

See the Management Center documentation for more information .

Over JMX

Hazelcast exposes all its metrics using the JVM’s standard JMX interface. You can use tools such as Java Mission Control or JConsole to display them.

The Hazelcast metrics are exposed under com.hazelcast/$INSTANCE_NAME/Metrics where $INSTANCE_NAME is the name of the member or client instance to which the JMX client is connected.

And the Jet engine related beans are stored under com.hazelcast.jet/Metrics/<instanceName>/ node and the various tags they have form further sub-nodes in the resulting tree structure.


Prometheus is a popular monitoring system and time series database. Setting up monitoring via Prometheus consists of two steps. First step is exposing an HTTP endpoint with metrics. The second step is setting up Prometheus server, which pulls the metrics in a specified interval.

The Prometheus javaagent is already part of the Hazelcast distribution and just needs to be enabled. Enable the agent and expose all metrics via HTTP endpoint by setting an environment variable PROMETHEUS_PORT, you can change the port to any available port:

PROMETHEUS_PORT=8080 bin/hz-start

You should see following line printed to the logs:

Prometheus enabled on port 8080

The metrics are available on http://localhost:8080.

For a guide on how to set up Prometheus server go to the Prometheus website.

Via Job API

The Job class has a getMetrics() method which returns a JobMetrics instance. It contains the latest known metric values for the job.

This functionality has been developed primarily to give access to metrics of finished jobs, but can in fact be used for jobs in any state.

For details on how to use and filter the metric values consult the JobMetrics API docs. A simple example for computing the number of data items emitted by a certain vertex (let’s call it vertexA), excluding items emitted to the snapshot, would look like this:

Predicate<Measurement> vertexOfInterest =
        MeasurementPredicates.tagValueEquals(MetricTags.VERTEX, "vertexA");
Predicate<Measurement> notSnapshotEdge =
        MeasurementPredicates.tagValueEquals(MetricTags.ORDINAL, "snapshot").negate();

Collection<Measurement> measurements = jobMetrics

long totalCount =;


The metrics collection is enabled by default. You can configure the metrics system declaratively or programmatically. The following is an example declarative configuration with the default values, on the member side:

  • XML

  • YAML

<metrics enabled="true">
    <management-center enabled="true">
    <jmx enabled="true"/>
    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      retention-seconds: 5
      enabled: true
    collection-frequency-seconds: 5

Note that all the metrics configuration values can be overridden with system properties. The properties are listed below:

  • hazelcast.metrics.enabled: Enables the metrics collection if set to true, disables it otherwise.

  • Enables buffering the collected metrics for Management Center if set to true, disables it otherwise.

  • Duration, in seconds, for which the metrics are retained for Management Center.

  • hazelcast.metrics.jmx.enabled: Enables exposing the collected metrics over JMX if set to true, disables it otherwise.

  • hazelcast.metrics.collection.frequency: Frequency, in seconds, of the metrics collection cycle.

  • hazelcast.metrics.debug.enabled: Enables collecting debug metrics if set to true, disables it otherwise. Note that this can be set with system property only and is meant to be enabled only if diagnostics is enabled, since currently only diagnostics feature consumes the debug metrics.

The client configuration is very similar, it just lacks the Management Center configuration block (management-center configuration element), as shown below. This is because the clients are not connected to Management Center and the client metrics are sent to Management Center through a member to which the client is connected.

  • XML

  • YAML

<metrics enabled="true">
    <jmx enabled="true"/>
    enabled: true
      enabled: true
    collection-frequency-seconds: 5

Similarly to the member configuration, the client metrics configuration can be overridden with the following system properties:

  • hazelcast.client.metrics.enabled: Enables the metrics collection if set to true, disables it otherwise.

  • hazelcast.client.metrics.jmx.enabled: Enables exposing the collected metrics over JMX if set to true, disables it otherwise.

  • hazelcast.client.metrics.collection.frequency: Frequency, in seconds, of the metrics collection cycle.

  • hazelcast.client.metrics.debug.enabled: Enables collecting debug metrics if set to true, disables it otherwise. Note that this can be set with system property only and is meant to be enabled only if diagnostics is enabled, since currently only diagnostics feature consumes the debug metrics.

Version Compatibility

Note that the metric names may change between MINOR versions but not between PATCH versions.

Notes on the Performance

The metrics system is designed with care to make the least possible impact on the performance of the cluster. Since the metrics collection takes place periodically with a few seconds frequency, the main focus is keeping allocation rates and memory footprint at minimum. Therefore, the blobs that store the metrics for Management Center are stored in the memory in a compressed format. The measurements, that use multiple IMaps to scale up the number of metrics, show that one blob occupies only a few KBs and it grows above 10KB only if there are more than 1000 IMaps.

The allocation rate of a metric collection cycle is also low. With both Management Center and JMX consumers enabled, the allocation rate with 100 IMaps is below 256KB per cycle, and it grows above 1MB with 1000 IMaps. This means that metrics collection does not increase the frequency of the garbage collection (GC) noticeably.

While the metrics collection is considered GC friendly, it should be noted that the blobs are not recycled: configuring the retention time should be done with taking the frequency of the GC into account to prevent the blobs from getting promoted into the tenured region of the heap that in the end contributes to major GCs after time.

Member Statistics

You can get various statistics from your distributed data structures via the Statistics API. Since the data structures are distributed in the cluster, the Statistics API provides statistics for the local portion (1/Number of Members in the Cluster) of data on each member.

Map Statistics

To get local map statistics, use the getLocalMapStats() method from the IMap interface. This method returns a LocalMapStats object that holds local map statistics.

Below is an example code where the getLocalMapStats() method and the getOwnedEntryCount() method get the number of entries owned by this member.

        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, String> customers = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "customers" );
        LocalMapStats mapStatistics = customers.getLocalMapStats();
        System.out.println( "number of entries owned on this member = "
                + mapStatistics.getOwnedEntryCount() );
The getOwnedEntryMemoryCost() method is also supported for NATIVE in-memory format.

The following are some of the metrics that you can access via the LocalMapStats object:

  • Number of entries owned by the member (getOwnedEntryCount()).

  • Number of backup entries held by the member (getBackupEntryCount()).

  • Number of backups per entry (getBackupCount()).

  • Memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in the member (getOwnedEntryMemoryCost()).

  • Creation time of the map on the member (getCreationTime()).

  • Number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries (getHits()).

  • Number of get and put operations on the map (getPutOperationCount() and getGetOperationCount()).

  • Number of queries executed on the map (getQueryCount() and getIndexedQueryCount()) (it may be imprecise for queries involving partition predicates (PartitionPredicate) on the off-heap storage).

See the LocalMapStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

Map Index Statistics

To access map index statistics, if you are using indexes to speed up map queries, use the getIndexStats() method of the LocalMapStats interface returned by IMap.getLocalMapStats().

Below is an example where the getIndexStats() method is used to examine an average selectivity of index hits:

        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, String> customers = hazelcastInstance.getMap("customers");        
        addIndex(customers, "name", true); // or add the index using the map config
        LocalMapStats mapStatistics = customers.getLocalMapStats();
        Map<String, LocalIndexStats> indexStats = mapStatistics.getIndexStats();
        LocalIndexStats nameIndexStats = indexStats.get("name");
        System.out.println("average name index hit selectivity on this member = "
                + nameIndexStats.getAverageHitSelectivity());

The following are some of the metrics that you can obtain via the LocalIndexStats interface:

  • Number of queries and hits into an index (getQueryCount() and getHitCount()): Number of hits and queries may differ since a single query may hit the same index more than once.

  • Average index hit latency measured in nanoseconds (getAverageHitLatency())

  • Average index hit selectivity (getAverageHitSelectivity): Returned values are in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. Values close to 1.0 indicate a high selectivity meaning the index is efficient; values close to 0.0 indicate a low selectivity meaning the index efficiency is approaching an efficiency of a simple full scan.

  • Number of index insert, update and remove operations (getInsertCount(), getUpdateCount() and getRemoveCount()).

  • Total latencies of insert, update and remove operations (getTotalInsertLatency(), getTotalUpdateLatency(), getTotalRemoveLatency()): To compute an average latency divide the returned value by the number of operations of a corresponding type.

  • Memory cost of an index (getMemoryCost()): For on-heap storages, this memory cost metric value is a best-effort approximation and doesn’t indicate a precise on-heap memory usage of an index.

See the LocalIndexStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

To compute an aggregated value of getAverageHitSelectivity() for all cluster members, you can use a simple averaging computation as shown below:

(s(1) + s(2) + ... + s(n)) / n

In this computation, s(i) is an average hit selectivity on the member i and n is the total number of cluster members.

A more advanced solution is to compute a weighted average as shown below:

(s(1) * h(1) + s(2) * h(2) + ... + s(n) * h(n)) / (h(1) + h(2) + ... + h(n))

Here, s(i) is an average hit selectivity on the member i, h(i) is a hit count (getHitCount()) on the member i and n is the total number of cluster members. This more advanced solution may produce more precise results in unstable dynamic clusters where new members do not have enough statistics accumulated. The same technique may be applied to the getAverageHitLatency() metric.

Accuracy and reliability notes:

  • For on-heap storage, values returned by getAverageHitSelectivity() may be 1% more or less than the actual selectivity. For example, if the actual selectivity is 0.9, the returned value could be between 0.89 and 0.91.

  • The values returned by getQueryCount() and getHitCount() may be imprecise for queries involving partition predicates (PartitionPredicate) on off-heap storage.

  • The index statistics may be imprecise after a new cluster member addition or the existing member removal until enough fresh statistics is accumulated on a new owner of an index or its partition.

Near Cache Statistics

To get Near Cache statistics, use the getNearCacheStats() method from the LocalMapStats object. This method returns a NearCacheStats object that holds Near Cache statistics.

Below is an example code where the getNearCacheStats() method and the getRatio method from NearCacheStats get a Near Cache hit/miss ratio.

        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, String> customers = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "customers" );
        LocalMapStats mapStatistics = customers.getLocalMapStats();
        NearCacheStats nearCacheStatistics = mapStatistics.getNearCacheStats();
        System.out.println( "Near Cache hit/miss ratio = "
                + nearCacheStatistics.getRatio() );

The following are some of the metrics that you can access via the NearCacheStats object (applies to both client and member Near Caches):

  • creation time of the Near Cache on the member (getCreationTime())

  • number of entries owned by the member (getOwnedEntryCount())

  • memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in the Near Cache (getOwnedEntryMemoryCost())

  • number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries (getHits())

See the NearCacheStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

MultiMap Statistics

To get MultiMap statistics, use the getLocalMultiMapStats() method from the MultiMap interface. This method returns a LocalMultiMapStats object that holds local MultiMap statistics.

Below is an example code where the getLocalMultiMapStats() method and the getLastUpdateTime method from LocalMultiMapStats get the last update time.

        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        MultiMap<String, String> customers = hazelcastInstance.getMultiMap( "customers" );
        LocalMultiMapStats multiMapStatistics = customers.getLocalMultiMapStats();
        System.out.println( "last update time =  "
                + multiMapStatistics.getLastUpdateTime() );

The following are some of the metrics that you can access via the LocalMultiMapStats object:

  • number of entries owned by the member (getOwnedEntryCount())

  • number of backup entries held by the member (getBackupEntryCount())

  • number of backups per entry (getBackupCount())

  • memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in the member (getOwnedEntryMemoryCost())

  • creation time of the multimap on the member (getCreationTime())

  • number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries (getHits())

  • number of get and put operations on the map (getPutOperationCount() and getGetOperationCount())

See the LocalMultiMapStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

Queue Statistics

To get local queue statistics, use the getLocalQueueStats() method from the IQueue interface. This method returns a LocalQueueStats object that holds local queue statistics.

Below is an example code where the getLocalQueueStats() method and the getAverageAge method from LocalQueueStats get the average age of items.

        HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        IQueue<Integer> orders = node.getQueue( "orders" );
        LocalQueueStats queueStatistics = orders.getLocalQueueStats();
        System.out.println( "average age of items = "
                + queueStatistics.getAverageAge() );

The following are some of the metrics that you can access via the `LocalQueueStats ` object:

  • number of owned items in the member (getOwnedItemCount())

  • number of backup items in the member (getBackupItemCount())

  • minimum and maximum ages of the items in the member (getMinAge() and getMaxAge())

  • number of offer, put and add operations (getOfferOperationCount())

See the LocalQueueStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

Topic Statistics

To get local topic statistics, use the getLocalTopicStats() method from the ITopic interface. This method returns a LocalTopicStats object that holds local topic statistics.

Below is an example code where the getLocalTopicStats() method and the getPublishOperationCount method from LocalTopicStats get the number of publish operations.

        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        ITopic<Object> news = hazelcastInstance.getTopic( "news" );
        LocalTopicStats topicStatistics = news.getLocalTopicStats();
        System.out.println( "number of publish operations = "
                + topicStatistics.getPublishOperationCount() );

The following are the metrics that you can access via the `LocalTopicStats ` object:

  • creation time of the topic on the member (getCreationTime())

  • total number of published messages of the topic on the member (getPublishOperationCount())

  • total number of received messages of the topic on the member (getReceiveOperationCount())

See the LocalTopicStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

Executor Statistics

To get local executor statistics, use the getLocalExecutorStats() method from the IExecutorService interface. This method returns a LocalExecutorStats object that holds local executor statistics.

Below is an example code where the getLocalExecutorStats() method and the getCompletedTaskCount method from LocalExecutorStats get the number of completed operations of the executor service.

        HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
        IExecutorService orderProcessor = hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService( "orderProcessor" );
        LocalExecutorStats executorStatistics = orderProcessor.getLocalExecutorStats();
        System.out.println( "completed task count = "
                + executorStatistics.getCompletedTaskCount() );

The following are some of the metrics that you can access via the `LocalExecutorStats ` object:

  • number of pending operations of the executor service (getPendingTaskCount())

  • number of started operations of the executor service (getStartedTaskCount())

  • number of completed operations of the executor service (getCompletedTaskCount())

See the LocalExecutorStats Javadoc to see all the metrics.

Health Check and Monitoring

Hazelcast provides the following options for monitoring the health of your Hazelcast clusters:

  • HTTP-based health check endpoint

  • Health check script

  • Health monitoring utility

Enabling the Health Check Endpoint and Script

To use the health check endpoint and script, enable either of the following configuration options:

  • Using the network configuration element:

    • XML

    • YAML

            <rest-api enabled="true">
                <endpoint-group name="HEALTH_CHECK" enabled=“true”/>
          enabled: true
              enabled: true
  • Using the advanced-network configuration element:

    • XML

    • YAML

                    <endpoint-group name=“HEALTH_CHECK” enabled=“true”/>
              enabled: true

Health Check

You can use Hazelcast’s HTTP-based health check implementation to get basic information about the cluster and member on which it is launched.

To use the HTTP-based health check:

  1. Enable the health check endpoint.

  2. Launch the health check from your preferred browser: http://<host IP of your member>:5701/hazelcast/health.

    The health check retrieves information about your cluster’s health status, such as member state, cluster state, cluster size, etc. For example:

      "nodeState": "ACTIVE",
      "clusterState": "ACTIVE",
      "clusterSafe": false,
      "migrationQueueSize": 0,
      "clusterSize": 3
    • nodeState: State of the member on which the health check is launched. See Cluster and Member States to learn more about the states of cluster members.

    • clusterState: State of cluster that the health-checked member belongs to. See Cluster and Member States to learn more about cluster states.

    • clusterSafe: Whether the cluster is safe, i.e., there are no active partition migrations and all backups are in sync for each partition in the cluster. See Shutting Down Members and Clusters to learn how to check the safety of active clusters.

      The clusterSafe indicator is useful when your cluster is in a passive state. If the cluster is in an active state, the indicator value continually changes due to the dynamic state of the cluster. Also, checking the cluster safety triggers additional operations for each partition and replica. Frequent safety checks of a cluster under load may impact cluster performance.
    • migrationQueueSize: A count of the remaining migration tasks while the cluster data is being repartitioned. See Data Partitioning to learn about Hazelcast’s partitioning mechanism.

    • clusterSize: A count of the cluster member count.

Using the hz-healthcheck Script

The hz-healthcheck script comes with the Hazelcast package. Internally, it uses the HTTP-based health check endpoint.

To run the hz-healthcheck script:

  1. Enable the health check endpoint.

  2. Run the hz-healthcheck script with parameters using the following format:

    ./hz-healthcheck <parameters>

You can use the following parameters to perform checks and operations on your Hazelcast clusters:

Parameter Default Value Description

-o or --operation


Health check operation. It can be all, node-state, cluster-state, cluster-safe, migration-queue-size and cluster-size.

The cluster-safe option is useful when your cluster is in a passive state. If the cluster is in an active state, the indicator value continually changes due to the dynamic state of the cluster. Also, checking the cluster safety triggers additional operations for each partition and replica. Frequent safety checks of a cluster under load may impact cluster performance.

-a or --address

Defines the IP address of a cluster member. If you want to manage your cluster remotely, you should use this parameter to provide the IP address of a member to this script.

-p or --port


Defines on which port Hazelcast is running on the local or remote machine.

-h or --help

no argument expected

Lists the parameter descriptions along with a usage example.

-d or --debug

no argument expected

Prints error output.


no argument expected

Uses HTTPS protocol for REST calls.


set of well-known CA certificates

Defines trusted PEM-encoded certificate file path. It’s used to verify member certificates.



Defines PEM-encoded client certificate file path. Only needed when client certificate authentication is used.



Defines PEM-encoded client private key file path. Only needed when client certificate authentication is used.


no argument expected

Disables member certificate verification.

Example 1: Checking the State of Members in a Healthy Cluster:

If the member is deployed under the address and it is in the healthy state, the following output is expected:

./hz-healthcheck -a -p 5701 -o node-state

Example 2: Checking the Safety of a Non-Existent Cluster:

If the cluster has no members running under the address, the following output is expected:

./hz-healthcheck -a -p 5701 -o cluster-safe
Error while checking health of hazelcast cluster on ip on port 5701.
Please check that cluster is running and that health check is enabled in REST API configuration.

Health Monitor

The health monitor periodically prints logs in your console to provide information about your member’s state. By default, it is enabled when you start your cluster.

You can set the interval of health monitoring using the system property. Its default value is 20 seconds.

The system property is used to configure the monitoring’s log level. If it is set to OFF, the monitoring is disabled. If it is set to NOISY, monitoring logs are always printed for the defined intervals. When it is SILENT, which is the default value, monitoring logs are printed only when the values exceed some predefined thresholds. These thresholds are related to memory and CPU percentages, and can be configured using the and system properties, whose default values are both 70.

The following is an example monitoring output

Sep 08, 2017 5:02:28 PM com.hazelcast.internal.diagnostics.HealthMonitor

INFO: []:5701 [host-name] [3.9] processors=4,,,,, heap.memory.used=102.4M,,, heap.memory.max=3.6G, heap.memory.used/total=29.14%, heap.memory.used/max=2.81%, minor.gc.count=4, minor.gc.time=68ms, major.gc.count=1,

major.gc.time=41ms, load.process=0.44%, load.system=1.00%, load.systemAverage=315.48%, thread.count=97, thread.peakCount=98, cluster.timeDiff=0, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0,

executor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0, executor.q.scheduled.size=0,, executor.q.system.size=0, executor.q.operations.size=0,

executor.q.priorityOperation.size=0, operations.completed.count=226, executor.q.mapLoad.size=0, executor.q.mapLoadAllKeys.size=0, executor.q.cluster.size=0, executor.q.response.size=0,

operations.running.count=0, operations.pending.invocations.percentage=0.00%, operations.pending.invocations.count=0, proxy.count=0, clientEndpoint.count=1,, client.connection.count=1, connection.count=1
See the Configuring with System Properties section to learn how to set system properties.

Using Health Check on F5 BIG-IP LTM

The F5® BIG-IP® Local Traffic Manager™ (LTM) can be used as a load balancer for Hazelcast cluster members. This section describes how you can configure a health monitor to check the Hazelcast member states.

Monitor Types

Following types of monitors can be used to track Hazelcast cluster members:

  • HTTP Monitor: A custom HTTP monitor enables you to send a command to Hazelcast’s Health Check API using HTTP requests. This is a good choice if SSL/TLS is not enabled in your cluster.

  • HTTPS Monitor: A custom HTTPS monitor enables you to verify the health of Hazelcast cluster members by sending a command to Hazelcast’s Health Check API using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security. This is a good choice if SSL/TLS is enabled in your cluster.

  • TCP\_HALF\_OPEN Monitor: A TCP\_HALF\_OPEN monitor is a very basic monitor that only checks that the TCP port used by Hazelcast is open and responding to connection requests. It does not interact with the Hazelcast Health Check API. The TCP\_HALF\_OPEN monitor can be used with or without SSL/TLS.


After signing in to the BIG-IP LTM User Interface, follow F5’s ^instructions to create a new monitor. Next, apply the following configuration according to your monitor type.

Please note that you should enable the Hazelcast health check for HTTP/HTTPS monitors to run. You will need to enable the endpoint by using the advanced-network or the network configuration element. See the Health Check and Monitoring section.

Using a GET request:

  • Set the “Send String” as follows:

    GET /hazelcast/health HTTP/1.1\r\n\nHost: [HOST-ADDRESS-OF-HAZELCAST-MEMBER] \r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n
  • Set the “Receive String” as follows:


The BIG-IP LTM monitors accept regular expressions in these strings allowing you to configure them as needed. The example provided above remains green even if the cluster size changes.

Using a HEAD request:

  • Set the “Send String” as follows:

    HEAD /hazelcast/health HTTP/1.1\r\n\nHost: [HOST-ADDRESS-OF-HAZELCAST-MEMBER] \r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n
  • Set the “Receive String” as follows:

    200 OK

As you can see, the HEAD request only checks for a 200 OK response. A Hazelcast cluster member sends this status code when it is alive and running without an issue. This provides a very basic health check. For increased flexibility, we recommend using the GET request API.

  • Set the "Type" as TCP Half Open.

  • Optionally, set the "Alias Service Port" as the port of Hazelcast cluster member if you want to specify the port in the monitor


Hazelcast offers an extended set of diagnostics plugins for both Hazelcast members and clients. A dedicated log file is used to write the diagnostics content, and a rolling file approach is used to prevent taking up too much disk space.

Enabling Diagnostics Logging

To enable diagnostics logging, you should specify the following properties on the member side:

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • JVM

        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.enabled">true</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.metric.level">info</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.invocation.sample.period.seconds">30</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.pending.invocations.period.seconds">30</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.slowoperations.period.seconds">30</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.storeLatency.period.seconds">60</property>
Config config = new Config();
config.setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.enabled", "true" );
      .setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.metric.level", "info" );
      .setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.invocation.sample.period.seconds", "30" );
      .setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.pending.invocations.period.seconds", "30" );
      .setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.slowoperations.period.seconds", "30" );
      .setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.storeLatency.period.seconds", "60" );
Java command
java -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true
JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.metric.level=info -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.invocation.sample.period.seconds=30 -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.pending.invocations.period.seconds=30 -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.slowoperations.period.seconds=30 -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.storeLatency.period.seconds=60"

On the Java client side, it is enough to set the following properties:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.metric.level=info

Diagnostics Log File

You can use the following property to specify the location of the diagnostics log file:

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • JVM

        <property name="">/your/log/directory</property>
Config config = new Config();
config.setProperty( "", "/your/log/directory" );
Java command

The name of the log file has the following format:

diagnostics-<host IP>#<port>-<unique ID>.log

You can set a custom string prefix for the name of log file using the following property.

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • JVM

        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.filename.prefix">foobar</property>
Config config = new Config();
config.setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.filename.prefix", "foobar" );
Java command
java -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.filename.prefix=foobar

The content format of the diagnostics log file is depicted below:

<Date> BuildInfo[
	<log content for BuildInfo diagnostics plugin>]
<Date> SystemProperties[
	<log content for SystemProperties diagnostics plugin>]
<Date> ConfigProperties[
	<log content for ConfigProperties diagnostics plugin>]
<Date> Metrics[
	<log content for Metrics diagnostics plugin>]
<Date> SlowOperations[
	<log content for SlowOperations diagnostics plugin>]
<Date> HazelcastInstance[
	<log content for HazelcastInstance diagnostics plugin>]

A rolling file approach is used to prevent creating too much data. By default 10 files of 50MB each are allowed to exist. You can set the size of each file and number of files using the following properties.

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • JVM

        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.size.mb">100</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.count">5</property>
Config config = new Config();
config.setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.size.mb", "100" );
      .setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.count", "5" );
Java command
java -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.size.mb=100
JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.size.mb=100 -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.max.rolled.file.count=5"

Diagnostics Output Options

You can use the following property to specify the output type of diagnostics.

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • JVM

        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.stdout">FILE|STDOUT|LOGGER</property>
Config config = new Config();
config.setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.stdout", "FILE|STDOUT|LOGGER" );
Java command
java -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.stdout=FILE|STDOUT|LOGGER

Available types:

  • FILE: Outputs the diagnostics to a set of files managed by Hazelcast. This is the default type.

  • STDOUT: Outputs the diagnostics to the standard output.

  • LOGGER: Outputs the diagnostics to the Hazelcast logger; by this way you can use the logging configuration to forward the diagnostics to any output supported by the logging framework and apply additional configurations. You can see an example in the next section below.

    Using the logging framework introduces a slight overhead in comparison to using other output types but allows for greater flexibility.

Diagnostics using Logging Frameworks

Hazelcast does not enforce any logging framework. You can always use your logging framework to configure the diagnostics. You can forward the logs to a logging framework by setting the hazelcast.diagnostics.stdout property to LOGGER:

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • JVM

        <property name="hazelcast.diagnostics.stdout">LOGGER</property>
Config config = new Config();
config.setProperty( "hazelcast.diagnostics.stdout", "LOGGER" );
Java command
java -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.stdout=LOGGER

Above configuration forwards the logs to the com.hazelcast.diagnostics logger so you can write them to a file by referencing one of the configured appenders. The following is an example for Log4j2.

<Logger name="com.hazelcast.diagnostics" level="debug" additivity="false">
    <AppenderRef ref="LogToRollingFile"/>

By configuring TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy and SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy for the appender, you can control the size and rolling behavior as you want.

The diagnostic logs have the DEBUG level by default; if you don’t want to see them in the member logs while they are running in the DEBUG mode for the root level appender, you need to change the level to INFO for the com.hazelcast.diagnostics logger. For Log4j2, see the configuration documentation for more details.

Diagnostics Plugins

As it is stated in the introduction of this section and shown in the log file content above, diagnostics utility consists of plugins such as BuildInfo, SystemProperties and HazelcastInstance.


It shows the detailed Hazelcast build information including the Hazelcast release number, Git revision number and whether you have Hazelcast Enterprise Edition or not.


It shows all the properties and their values in your system used by and configured for your Hazelcast installation. These are the properties starting with java (excluding java.awt), hazelcast, sun and os. It also includes the arguments that are used to startup the JVM.


It shows the Hazelcast properties and their values explicitly set by you either on the command line (with -D) or by using declarative/programmatic configuration.


It shows a comprehensive log of what is happening in your Hazelcast system. See the Metrics section for more information.

You can configure the frequency of dumping information to the log file using the following property:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.metrics.period.seconds: Set a value in seconds. Its default value is 60 seconds.

See the List of Hazelcast Metrics appendix for the full list of metrics with their descriptions.


It shows the slow operations and invocations, See the SlowOperationDetector section for more information.


It shows all kinds of statistics about current and past invocations including current pending invocations, history of invocations and slow history, i.e., all samples where the invocation took more than the defined threshold. Slow history does not only include the invocations where the operations took a lot of time, but it also includes any other invocations that have been obstructed.

Using the following properties, you can configure the frequency of scanning all pending invocations and the threshold that makes an invocation to be considered as slow:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.invocation.sample.period.seconds: Set a value in seconds. Its default value is 60 seconds.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.invocation.slow.threshold.seconds: Set a value in seconds. Its default value is 5 seconds.


It shows invocation latencies for each operation. See an example output below:

06-05-2021 17:15:29 1557152129944 Invocations[

You can control the frequency of scanning all invocations using the following system property:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.invocation-profiler.period.seconds: Set a value in seconds. Its default value is 5 seconds. You can set it to 0 to disable the plugin.

You can increase this period if you would like to decrease the logging noise.


It measures the time an operation runs on an operation thread; if the operation is a blocking one or being offloaded, only the time on the operation thread is measured. See an example output below:

06-05-2021 14:53:48 1595332428248 OperationsProfiler[

You can control the frequency of scanning all operations using the following system property:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.operation-profiler.period.seconds: Set a value in seconds. Its default value is 5 seconds. You can set it to 0 to disable the plugin.


It shows the basic state of your Hazelcast cluster including the count and addresses of current members and the address of oldest cluster member. It is useful to get a fast impression of the cluster without needing to analyze a lot of data.

You can configure the frequency at which the cluster information is dumped to the log file using the following property:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.memberinfo.period.second: Set a value in seconds. Its default value is 60 seconds.


It checks the event queues in the data structures and samples the event types if the queue size is above a certain threshold. It is useful to figure out why the event queue is running full.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.event.queue.period.seconds: Duration, in seconds, that this plugin runs, gathers information and writes to the diagnostics log file. When set to 0 (its default value), it is disabled.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.event.queue.threshold: Minimum number of events in the queue before it is being sampled. Its default value is 1000.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.event.queue.samples: Number of samples to take from the event queue. Increasing the number of samples gives more accuracy of the content, but it has a negative performance effect. Its default value is 100.

An example output for a Hazelcast map is as follows:

17-04-2019 17:36:37 EventQueues[
            IMap 'myMap' ADDED sampleCount=51 51.000%
            IMap 'myMap' REMOVED sampleCount=49 49.000%]]


It shows the activities in your cluster including when a connection/member is added or removed and if there is a change in the lifecycle of the cluster. It also includes the reasons for connection closings.

You can enable or disable the system log diagnostics plugin, and configure whether it shows information about partition migrations using the following properties:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.systemlog.enabled: Its default value is true.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.systemlog.partitions: Its default value is false. Please note that if you enable this, you may get a lot of log entries if you have many partitions.


It shows statistics including the count of methods for each store (load, loadAll, loadAllKeys, etc.), average and maximum latencies for each store method calls and latency distributions for each store. The following is an example output snippet as part of the diagnostics log file for Hazelcast MapStore:

17-9-2019 13:12:34 MapStoreLatency[

According to your store usage, a similar output can be seen for Hazelcast JCache, Queue and Ringbuffer with persistent datastores.

You can control the StoreLatency plugin using the following properties:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.storeLatency.period.seconds: The frequency this plugin is writing the collected information to the disk. By default it is disabled. A sensible production value would be 60 seconds.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.storeLatency.reset.period.seconds: The period of resetting the statistics. If, for example, it is set as 300 (5 minutes), all the statistics are cleared for every 5 minutes. By default it is 0, meaning that statistics are not reset.


It shows the deviation between member/member operation heartbeats. Each member, regardless if there is an operation running on behalf of that member, sends an operation heartbeat to every other member. It contains a listing of all callIds of the running operations from a given member. This plugin also works fine between members/lite-members.

Because this operation heartbeat is sent periodically; by default 1/4 of the operation call timeout of 60 seconds, we would expect an operation heartbeat to be received every 15 seconds. Operation heartbeats are high priority packets (so they overtake regular packets) and are processed by an isolated thread in the invocation monitor. If there is any deviation in the frequency of receiving these packets, it may be due to the problems such as network latencies.

The following shows an example of the output where an operation heartbeat has not been received for 37 seconds:

20-7-2019 11:12:55 OperationHeartbeats[
        lastHeartbeat(date-time)=20-7-2017 11:12:55
        now(date-time)=20-7-2017 11:12:18]]]

The OperationHeartbeats plugin is enabled by default since it has very little overhead and only prints to the diagnostics file if the maximum deviation percentage (explained below) is exceeded.

You can control the OperationHeartbeats plugin using the following properties:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.operation-heartbeat.seconds: The frequency this plugin is writing the collected information to the disk. It is configured to be 10 seconds by default. 0 disables the plugin.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.operation-heartbeat.max-deviation-percentage: The maximum allowed deviation percentage. Its default value is 33. For example, with a default 60 call timeout and operation heartbeat interval being 15 seconds, the maximum deviation with a deviation-percentage of 33, is 5 seconds. So there is no problem if a packet is arrived after 19 seconds, but if it arrives after 21 seconds, then the plugin renders.


This plugin looks a lot like the OperationHeartbeats plugin, but instead of relying on operation heartbeats to determine the deviation, it relies on member/member cluster heartbeats. Every member sends a heartbeat to other members periodically (by default every 5 seconds).

Just like the OperationHeartbeats, the MemberHeartbeats plugin can be used to detect if there are networking problems long before they actually lead to problems such as split-brain syndromes.

The following shows an example of the output where no member/member heartbeat has been received for 9 seconds:

20-7-2019 19:32:22 MemberHeartbeats[
        lastHeartbeat(date-time)=20-7-2017 19:32:13
        now(date-time)=20-7-2017 19:32:22]]

The MemberHeartbeats plugin is enabled by default since it has very little overhead and only prints to the diagnostics file if the maximum deviation percentage (explained below) is exceeded.

You can control the MemberHeartbeats plugin using the following properties:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.member-heartbeat.seconds: The frequency this plugin is writing the collected information to the disk. It is configured to be 10 seconds by default. 0 disables the plugin.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.member-heartbeat.max-deviation-percentage: The maximum allowed deviation percentage. Its default value is 100. For example, if the interval of member/member heartbeats is 5 seconds, a 100% deviation is fine with heartbeats arriving up to 5 seconds after they are expected. So a heartbeat arriving after 9 seconds is not rendered, but a heartbeat received after 11 seconds is rendered.


This plugin samples the operation threads and checks the running operations/tasks. Hazelcast has the slow operation detector which is useful for very slow operations. But it may not be efficient for high volumes of not too slow operations. Using the OperationThreadSamples plugin it is more clear to see which operations are actually running.

You can control the OperationThreadSamples plugin using the following properties:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.operationthreadsamples.period.seconds: The frequency this plugin is writing the collected information to the disk. An efficient value for production would be 30, 60 or more seconds. 0, which is the default value, disables the plugin.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.operationthreadsamples.sampler.period.millis: The period in milliseconds between taking samples. The lower the value, the higher the overhead but also the higher the precision. Its default value is 100 ms.

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.operationthreadsamples.includeName: Specifies whether the data structures' name pointed to by the operation (if available) should be included in the name of the samples. Its default value is false.

The following shows an example of the output when the property hazelcast.diagnostics.operationthreadsamples.includeName is false:

28-08-2019 07:40:07 1535442007330 OperationThreadSamples[
    Partition[ 85.6927% 9.300304% 5.0069904%]
        com.hazelcast.client.impl.ClientEngineImpl$PriorityPartitionSpecificRunnable=2308 35.738617%
        com.hazelcast.nio.Packet=1767 27.361412%
        com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.impl.operations.JoinRequestOp=821 12.712914%
        com.hazelcast.spi.impl.operationservice.impl.operations.PartitionIteratingOperation=278 4.3047385%
        com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.impl.operations.HeartbeatOp=93 1.4400743%
        com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.impl.operations.OnJoinOp=89 1.3781357%
        com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.impl.operations.WhoisMasterOp=75 1.1613503%
        com.hazelcast.client.impl.operations.ClientReAuthOperation=33 0.51099414%]]

As can be seen above, the MapSizeOperations run on the operation threads most of the time.


The WAN diagnostics plugin provides information about the WAN replication.

It is disabled by default and can be configured using the following property:

  • hazelcast.diagnostics.wan.period.seconds: The frequency this plugin is writing the collected information to the disk. 0 disables the plugin.

The following shows an example of the output:

10-11-2019 14:11:32 1510319492497 WanBatchSenderLatency[

Monitoring with JMX

You can monitor your Hazelcast members via the JMX protocol.

To achieve this, first add the following system properties to enable the JMX agent:


  •\_ (to specify JMX port, the default is 1099) (optional)

  • (to disable JMX auth) (optional)

Then enable JMX by setting the hazelcast.jmx property to true using the following configuration:

  • XML

  • YAML

  • Java

  • Spring

  • System Property

        <property name="hazelcast.jmx">true</property>
    hazelcast.jmx: true
config.setProperty("hazelcast.jmx", "true");
    <hz: property name="hazelcast.jmx">true</hz:property>

MBean Naming for Hazelcast Data Structures

Hazelcast set the naming convention for MBeans as follows:

final ObjectName mapMBeanName = new ObjectName("com.hazelcast:instance=_hzInstance_1_dev,type=IMap,name=trial");

The MBeans name consists of the Hazelcast instance name, the type of the data structure and that data structure’s name. In the above example, _hzInstance_1_dev is the instance name, we connect to an IMap with the name trial.

Connecting to JMX Agent

One of the ways you can connect to JMX agent is using jconsole, jvisualvm (with MBean plugin) or another JMX compliant monitoring tool.

The other way to connect is to use a custom JMX client.

First, you need to specify the URL where the Hazelcast JMX service is running. See the following code snippet:

// Parameters for connecting to the JMX Service
int port = 1099;
String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/jndi/rmi://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/jmxrmi");

The port in the above example should be the one that you define while setting the JMX remote port number (if different than the default port 1099).

Then use the URL you acquired to connect to the JMX service and get the JMXConnector object. Using this object, get the MBeanServerConnection object. The MBeanServerConnection object enables you to use the MBean methods. See the example code below.

// Connect to the JMX Service
JMXConnector jmxc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, null);
MBeanServerConnection mbsc = jmxc.getMBeanServerConnection();

Once you get the MBeanServerConnection object, you can call the getter methods of MBeans as follows:

System.out.println("\nTotal entries on map " + mbsc.getAttribute(mapMBeanName, "name") + " : "
                + mbsc.getAttribute(mapMBeanName, "localOwnedEntryCount"));

JMX API Per Member

Hazelcast members expose various management beans which include statistics about distributed data structures and the states of Hazelcast member internals.

The metrics are local to the members, i.e., they do not reflect cluster wide values.

See the List of Hazelcast Metrics appendix for the full list of metrics with their descriptions.

You can find the JMX API definition below with descriptions and the API methods in parenthesis.

Atomic Long (IAtomicLong)

  • Name ( name )

  • Current Value ( currentValue )

  • Set Value ( set(v) )

  • Add value and Get ( addAndGet(v) )

  • Compare and Set ( compareAndSet(e,v) )

  • Decrement and Get ( decrementAndGet() )

  • Get and Add ( getAndAdd(v) )

  • Get and Increment ( getAndIncrement() )

  • Get and Set ( getAndSet(v) )

  • Increment and Get ( incrementAndGet() )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey )

Atomic Reference ( IAtomicReference )

  • Name ( name )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey)

Countdown Latch ( ICountDownLatch )

  • Name ( name )

  • Current count ( count)

  • Countdown ( countDown() )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey)

Executor Service ( IExecutorService )

  • Local pending operation count ( localPendingTaskCount )

  • Local started operation count ( localStartedTaskCount )

  • Local completed operation count ( localCompletedTaskCount )

  • Local cancelled operation count ( localCancelledTaskCount )

  • Local total start latency ( localTotalStartLatency )

  • Local total execution latency ( localTotalExecutionLatency )

List ( IList )

  • Name ( name )

  • Clear list ( clear )

Lock ( ILock )

  • Name ( name )

  • Lock Object ( lockObject )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey )

Map ( IMap )

  • Name ( name )

  • Size ( size )

  • Config ( config )

  • Owned entry count ( localOwnedEntryCount )

  • Owned entry memory cost ( localOwnedEntryMemoryCost )

  • Backup entry count ( localBackupEntryCount )

  • Backup entry cost ( localBackupEntryMemoryCost )

  • Backup count ( localBackupCount )

  • Creation time ( localCreationTime )

  • Last access time ( localLastAccessTime )

  • Last update time ( localLastUpdateTime )

  • Hits ( localHits )

  • Locked entry count ( localLockedEntryCount )

  • Dirty entry count ( localDirtyEntryCount )

  • Put operation count ( localPutOperationCount )

  • Get operation count ( localGetOperationCount )

  • Remove operation count ( localRemoveOperationCount )

  • Total put latency ( localTotalPutLatency )

  • Total get latency ( localTotalGetLatency )

  • Total remove latency ( localTotalRemoveLatency )

  • Max put latency ( localMaxPutLatency )

  • Max get latency ( localMaxGetLatency )

  • Max remove latency ( localMaxRemoveLatency )

  • Event count ( localEventOperationCount )

  • Other (keySet,entrySet etc..) operation count ( localOtherOperationCount )

  • Total operation count ( localTotal )

  • Heap Cost ( localHeapCost )

  • Clear ( clear() )

  • Values ( values(p))

  • Entry Set ( entrySet(p) )

MultiMap ( MultiMap )

  • Name ( name )

  • Size ( size )

  • Owned entry count ( localOwnedEntryCount )

  • Owned entry memory cost ( localOwnedEntryMemoryCost )

  • Backup entry count ( localBackupEntryCount )

  • Backup entry cost ( localBackupEntryMemoryCost )

  • Backup count ( localBackupCount )

  • Creation time ( localCreationTime )

  • Last access time ( localLastAccessTime )

  • Last update time ( localLastUpdateTime )

  • Hits ( localHits )

  • Locked entry count ( localLockedEntryCount )

  • Put operation count ( localPutOperationCount )

  • Get operation count ( localGetOperationCount )

  • Remove operation count ( localRemoveOperationCount )

  • Total put latency ( localTotalPutLatency )

  • Total get latency ( localTotalGetLatency )

  • Total remove latency ( localTotalRemoveLatency )

  • Max put latency ( localMaxPutLatency )

  • Max get latency ( localMaxGetLatency )

  • Max remove latency ( localMaxRemoveLatency )

  • Event count ( localEventOperationCount )

  • Other (keySet,entrySet etc..) operation count ( localOtherOperationCount )

  • Total operation count ( localTotal )

  • Clear ( clear() )

Replicated Map ( ReplicatedMap )

  • Name ( name )

  • Size ( size )

  • Config ( config )

  • Owned entry count ( localOwnedEntryCount )

  • Creation time ( localCreationTime )

  • Last access time ( localLastAccessTime )

  • Last update time ( localLastUpdateTime )

  • Hits ( localHits )

  • Put operation count ( localPutOperationCount )

  • Get operation count ( localGetOperationCount )

  • Remove operation count ( localRemoveOperationCount )

  • Total put latency ( localTotalPutLatency )

  • Total get latency ( localTotalGetLatency )

  • Total remove latency ( localTotalRemoveLatency )

  • Max put latency ( localMaxPutLatency )

  • Max get latency ( localMaxGetLatency )

  • Max remove latency ( localMaxRemoveLatency )

  • Event count ( localEventOperationCount )

  • Other (keySet,entrySet etc..) operation count ( localOtherOperationCount )

  • Total operation count ( localTotal )

  • Clear ( clear() )

  • Values ( values())

  • Entry Set ( entrySet() )

Queue ( IQueue )

  • Name ( name )

  • Config ( QueueConfig )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey )

  • Owned item count ( localOwnedItemCount )

  • Backup item count ( localBackupItemCount )

  • Minimum age ( localMinAge )

  • Maximum age ( localMaxAge )

  • Average age ( localAverageAge )

  • Offer operation count ( localOfferOperationCount )

  • Rejected offer operation count ( localRejectedOfferOperationCount )

  • Poll operation count ( localPollOperationCount )

  • Empty poll operation count ( localEmptyPollOperationCount )

  • Other operation count ( localOtherOperationsCount )

  • Event operation count ( localEventOperationCount )

  • Clear ( clear() )

Semaphore ( ISemaphore )

  • Name ( name )

  • Available permits ( available )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey )

  • Drain ( drain())

  • Shrink available permits by given number ( reduce(v) )

  • Release given number of permits ( release(v) )

Set ( ISet )

  • Name ( name )

  • Partition key ( partitionKey )

  • Clear ( clear() )

Topic ( ITopic )

  • Name ( name )

  • Config ( config )

  • Creation time ( localCreationTime )

  • Publish operation count ( localPublishOperationCount )

  • Receive operation count ( localReceiveOperationCount )

Hazelcast Instance ( HazelcastInstance )

  • Name ( name )

  • Version ( version )

  • Build ( build )

  • Configuration ( config )

  • Configuration source ( configSource )

  • Cluster name ( clusterName )

  • Network Port ( port )

  • Cluster-wide Time ( clusterTime )

  • Size of the cluster ( memberCount )

  • List of members ( Members )

  • Running state ( running )

  • Shutdown the member ( shutdown() )

  • Node ( HazelcastInstance.Node )

  • Address ( address )

  • Master address ( masterAddress )

  • Partition Service ( HazelcastInstance.PartitionServiceMBean )

    • Partition count ( partitionCount )

    • Active partition count ( activePartitionCount )

    • Cluster Safe State ( isClusterSafe )

    • LocalMember Safe State ( isLocalMemberSafe )

  • Connection Manager ( HazelcastInstance.ConnectionManager )

    • Client connection count ( clientConnectionCount )

    • Active connection count ( activeConnectionCount )

    • Connection count ( connectionCount )

  • System Executor ( HazelcastInstance.ManagedExecutorService )

    • Name ( name )

    • Work queue size ( queueSize )

    • Thread count of the pool ( poolSize )

    • Maximum thread count of the pool ( maximumPoolSize )

    • Remaining capacity of the work queue ( remainingQueueCapacity )

    • Is shutdown ( isShutdown )

    • Is terminated ( isTerminated )

    • Completed task count ( completedTaskCount )

  • Async Executor (HazelcastInstance.ManagedExecutorService)

    • Name ( name )

    • Work queue size ( queueSize )

    • Thread count of the pool ( poolSize )

    • Maximum thread count of the pool ( maximumPoolSize )

    • Remaining capacity of the work queue ( remainingQueueCapacity )

    • Is shutdown ( isShutdown )

    • Is terminated ( isTerminated )

    • Completed task count ( completedTaskCount )

  • Scheduled Executor ( HazelcastInstance.ManagedExecutorService )

    • Name ( name )

    • Work queue size ( queueSize )

    • Thread count of the pool ( poolSize )

    • Maximum thread count of the pool ( maximumPoolSize )

    • Remaining capacity of the work queue ( remainingQueueCapacity )

    • Is shutdown ( isShutdown )

    • Is terminated ( isTerminated )

    • Completed task count ( completedTaskCount )

  • Client Executor ( HazelcastInstance.ManagedExecutorService )

    • Name ( name )

    • Work queue size ( queueSize )

    • Thread count of the pool ( poolSize )

    • Maximum thread count of the pool ( maximumPoolSize )

    • Remaining capacity of the work queue ( remainingQueueCapacity )

    • Is shutdown ( isShutdown )

    • Is terminated ( isTerminated )

    • Completed task count ( completedTaskCount )

  • Query Executor ( HazelcastInstance.ManagedExecutorService )

    • Name ( name )

    • Work queue size ( queueSize )

    • Thread count of the pool ( poolSize )

    • Maximum thread count of the pool ( maximumPoolSize )

    • Remaining capacity of the work queue ( remainingQueueCapacity )

    • Is shutdown ( isShutdown )

    • Is terminated ( isTerminated )

    • Completed task count ( completedTaskCount )

  • I/O Executor ( HazelcastInstance.ManagedExecutorService )

    • Name ( name )

    • Work queue size ( queueSize )

    • Thread count of the pool ( poolSize )

    • Maximum thread count of the pool ( maximumPoolSize )

    • Remaining capacity of the work queue ( remainingQueueCapacity )

    • Is shutdown ( isShutdown )

    • Is terminated ( isTerminated )

    • Completed task count ( completedTaskCount )


Hazelcast alerts you through various channels as listed below.

  • Banners, warnings and exception messages on your application console.

    Example license warning banner:

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    Your Hazelcast cluster will stop working after this time.
    Your license holder is, you should have them contact
    our license renewal department, urgently on
    or call us on +1 (650) 521-5453
    Please quote license id CUSTOM_TEST_KEY

    Example outdated API warning:

    An outdated version of JCache API was located in the classpath, please use newer versions of
    JCache API rather than 1.0.0-PFD or 0.x versions.

    Example exception message:

    com.hazelcast.sql.HazelcastSqlException: Cannot resolve IMap schema because it doesn't have entries on the local member: mapBak1HD
    	at com.hazelcast.sql.impl.client.SqlClientService.handleResponseError(
  • Prometheus: You can use this 3rd party tool to filter alert metrics. See the Prometheus section for details.

Besides the above channels, you can also benefit from Hazelcast logging mechanism as an indirect way of getting alerts. See the Logging section for details.

To learn the possible actions on the alerts, see the Actions and Remedies for Alerts section.

Integrating with 3rd Party Tools


Hazelcast Management Center can expose the metrics collected from cluster members to Prometheus. This feature can be turned on by setting the system property to true.

Prometheus can be configured to scrape Management Center in prometheus.yml as follows:

  - job_name: 'HZ MC'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.
    - targets: ['localhost:8080'] # replace this address with the network address of Hazelcast Management Center

After starting Prometheus with this configuration, all metrics will be exported to Prometheus with the hz_ prefix. The metrics are also available via the member JMX API. With the default configuration, Management Center exports all metrics reported by the cluster members. Since it can be overly verbose for some use cases, the metrics can be filtered with the or the system properties, both being comma-separated lists of metric names.

Example of starting Management Center with specifying the metrics exported to Prometheus:

java -jar \,hz_map_totalPutLatency \
  -jar hazelcast-management-center-5.5.2.jar

Example of starting Management Center with specifying the metrics to be excluded from the Prometheus export:

java -jar \,hz_memory_freeHeap \
  -jar hazelcast-management-center-5.5.2.jar

By default, Prometheus connects via the same IP and port as the Management Center web interface. It is possible to override the port number using the system property. Let’s say you have started Management Center as shown below:

java -jar \ \
  -jar hazelcast-management-center-5.5.2.jar

Then, the Prometheus endpoint will be available at http://localhost:2222/metrics, which should be reflected by the Prometheus configuration as below:

  - job_name: 'HZ MC'
    - targets: ['localhost:2222']
If you want to visualize the Prometheus metrics using Grafana, then you can start with this dashboard.


You can use the Clustered JMX interface to integrate the Hazelcast Management Center with AppDynamics. To perform this integration, attach the AppDynamics Java agent to the Management Center.

For agent installation, see the Install the App Agent for Java page.

For monitoring on AppDynamics, see the Using AppDynamics for JMX Monitoring page.

After installing AppDynamics agent, you can start the Management Center as shown below:

java -javaagent:/path/to/javaagent.jar \ \ -jar hazelcast-management-center-5.5.2.jar

When the Management Center starts, you should see the logs below:

Started AppDynamics Java Agent Successfully.
Hazelcast Management Center starting on port 8080 at path : /

New Relic

You can use the Clustered JMX interface to integrate the Hazelcast Management Center with New Relic. To perform this integration, attach the New Relic Java agent and provide an extension file that describes which metrics will be sent to New Relic.

See Custom JMX instrumentation by YAML on the New Relic webpage.

The following is an example Map monitoring .yml file for New Relic:

name: Clustered JMX
version: 1.0
enabled: true

- object_name: ManagementCenter[clustername]:type=Maps,name=mapname
  - attributes: PutOperationCount, GetOperationCount, RemoveOperationCount, Hits, BackupEntryCount, OwnedEntryCount, LastAccessTime, LastUpdateTime
  - type: simple
- object_name: ManagementCenter[clustername]:type=Members,name="member address in double quotes"
  - attributes: OwnedPartitionCount
  - type: simple

Put the .yml file in the extensions directory in your New Relic installation. If an extensions directory does not exist there, create one.

After you set your extension, attach the New Relic Java agent and start the Management Center as shown below.

java -javaagent:/path/to/newrelic.jar\ -jar hazelcast-management-center-5.5.2.jar

If your logging level is set to FINER, you should see the log listing in the file newrelic_agent.log, which is located in the logs directory in your New Relic installation. The following is an example log listing:

Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINE:
    JMX Service : querying MBeans (1)
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    JMX Service : MBeans query ManagementCenter[dev]:type=Members,
    name="", matches 1
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric OwnedPartitionCount : 68
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    JMX Service : MBeans query ManagementCenter[dev]:type=Maps,name=orders,
    matches 1
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric Hits : 46,593
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric BackupEntryCount : 1,100
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric OwnedEntryCount : 1,100
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric RemoveOperationCount : 0
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric PutOperationCount : 118,962
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric GetOperationCount : 0
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric LastUpdateTime : 1,401,962,426,811
Jun 5, 2014 14:18:43 +0300 [72696 62] com.newrelic.agent.jmx.JmxService FINER:
    Recording JMX metric LastAccessTime : 1,401,962,426,811

Then you can navigate to your New Relic account and create custom dashboards. See Get Started with Dashboards.

While you are creating the dashboard, you should see the metrics that you are sending to New Relic from the Management Center in the Metrics section under the JMX directory.