Supported Versions and Compatibilities

This section provides the supported versions and interoperability of Hazelcast Platform and its modules.

Semantic Versioning

Hazelcast Platform uses semantic versioning where versions appear in the following format:


For example, in Platform version 5.2.1, 5 is the major version, 2 is the minor version, and 1 is the patch version.

Semantic versioning separates new releases into three types:

  • Major: This version may include breaking changes.

  • Minor:This version includes backward-compatible functionality.

  • Patch: This version includes backward-compatible bug fixes.

API Compatibility Exceptions

According to semantic versioning, a Platform job written using the Pipeline API in a previous minor version should compile and have the same behavior in later minor versions.

However, note the following exceptions:

  • Classes in the com.hazelcast.jet.core package provide only patch-level compatibility guarantees.

  • Types and methods annotated with @EvolvingApi and @Beta provide only patch-level compatibility guarantee. These are typically new features where the API is subject to further changes.

  • Types and methods annotated with @PrivateApi, and classes in the impl and internal packages do not provide any compatibility guarantees between versions. These APIs are not meant for public use.

Supported Architectures

Hazelcast Platform has been tested on the following system architectures.

Architecture Supported


From Platform 5.3


From Platform 5.3


From Platform 5.5

Supported Operating Systems

Hazelcast Platform has been tested against the following operating systems. It may run on others which are not listed here.

Table 1. Supported Operating Systems
OS Platform 5.5.3

RHEL 7, 8, 9

Fedora 19, 28, 34

Amazon Linux



Windows Server 2019

Windows 10, 11[1]

Supported for development


Supported for development

Supported Virtualization Environments

Hazelcast Platform has been tested against the following virtualization environments. It may run on others which are not listed here.

Table 2. Supported Virtualization Environments
Environment Platform 5.5.3

VMWare 6.x

Docker 23, 27

Kubernetes (1.4.x or newer)

RedHat OpenShift

Supported Public Cloud Environments

Table 3. Supported Cloud Environments
Environment Platform 5.5.3

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Microsoft Azure

RedHat OpenShift

Supported Java Virtual Machines

Hazelcast Platform runs on Java, and supports the following LTS JDKs. It may run on other JDK distributions which are not listed here.

Table 4. Supported JDKs
JDK Platform 5.5.3

Amazon Corretto 17 and 21

Azul Prime 17 and 21

Azul Core 17 and 21

Eclipse Temurin build of OpenJDK 17 and 21

IBM Semeru Runtime 17 and 21

Microsoft build of OpenJDK 17 and 21

Oracle JDK 17 and JDK 21

Red Hat build of OpenJDK 17 and 21

Compatibility Guarantees

Cluster Members

Hazelcast Platform members operating on the same major and minor Platform version are always compatible, regardless of the patch version.

Each minor version is always compatible with the previous minor version.

Management Center

All 5.x.y versions of Management Center are compatible with Hazelcast Platform 5.x.y versions. But, it’s recommended to use the same version of Management Center as the Hazelcast Platform version in your cluster. For example, Management Center 5.1.1 may not support all the features of Hazelcast Platform 5.2, or vice versa.

Job States

Hazelcast Platform job states are only backward-compatible across the same minor versions. A newer patch version is able to understand the job states only from the previous patch versions of the same minor version.

If you have a running job, using the rolling upgrades feature, you are able to upgrade the cluster to a newer patch version without losing the state of a running job. See Rolling Upgrades. Also note that jobs must be resubmitted after a rolling upgrade to a newer minor version since they don’t run during upgrades. See Submitting Jobs.

Hazelcast clients that submit jobs (currently only Java clients) are compatible with members running on the same minor version. This means that a client using an older or newer patch version is able to connect and submit a job to a cluster that’s running a different patch version.

Command Line Tools

Hazelcast CLI and cluster admin tools are backwards-compatible across the same minor versions.

Configuration Files

XML and YAML configuration files provided with the Hazelcast Platform package are backward-compatible across the same minor versions. After upgrading a cluster to a new minor version, the configuration files for the previous version can be used without any modification.

Names of Metrics

Hazelcast Platform sends metrics to Management Center and other means such as JMX. The names of these metrics may change across minor versions but not between patch versions.

Client Version Compatibilities

Hazelcast Platform has clients implemented in the following languages:

  • Java

  • C++

  • .NET

  • Python

  • Go

  • Node.js

  • Hazelcast Command Line Client (CLC)

The following table lists the compatibilities between client and Platform/IMDG versions.

Table 5. Client Version Compatibilities
Client Platform and/or IMDG

Java 5.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Java 4.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Java 3.6.x through 3.12.x

  • IMDG 3.6.x through 3.12.x

C++ 5.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

C++ 4.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

C++ 3.6.x through 3.12.x

  • IMDG 3.6.x through 3.12.x

.NET 5.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

.NET 4.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

.NET 3.6.x through 3.12.x

  • IMDG 3.6.x through 3.12.x

Python 5.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Python 4.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Python 3.6.x through 3.12.x

  • IMDG 3.6.x through 3.12.x

Node.js 5.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Node.js 4.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Node.js 3.6.x through 3.12.x

  • IMDG 3.6.x through 3.12.x

Go 1.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

Go 0.x.y

  • IMDG 3.6.x through 3.12.x

CLC 5.x.y

  • Platform 5.x.y

  • IMDG 4.x.y

1. Suitable for the development of applications (or Hazelcast itself), but not for production. Some features are not available or are not supported.