IMap bulk read operations
To safeguard your cluster and application from becoming Out of Memory (OOM), follow these best practices and consider using the described alternatives to IMap bulk read operations.
It’s critical to avoid an Out of Memory Error (OOME) as its impact can be severe. Hazelcast strives to protect your data but an OOME can lead to a loss of cluster availability. This can result in increased operation latencies due to triggered migrations. From your application’s perspective, an OOME could also cause a system crash.
Some specific IMap API calls are particularly risky in this regard.
Methods like IMap#entrySet()
and IMap#values()
can trigger an OOME, depending
on the size of your map and the available memory on each member.
To mitigate this risk, you should follow these best practices.
Plan capacity
Proper capacity planning is crucial for providing sufficient system resources to the Hazelcast cluster. This involves estimating and validating the cluster’s capacity (memory, CPU, disk, etc.) to determine the best practices that help the cluster achieve optimal performance.
For more information, see Capacity Planning.
Limit query result size
If you limit query result sizes, this can help prevent the adverse effects of bulk data reads.
For more information, see Configuring query result size.
Use Iterator
The Iterator fetches data in batches, ensuring consistent heap utilization. The relevant methods in the IMap API include:
This example shows how to use the Iterator API:
IMap<Integer, Integer> testMap = instance.getMap("test");
for (int i = 0; i < 1_000; i++) {
testMap.set(i, i);
// default fetch size is 100 element
Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> iterator = testMap.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> next =;
Use PartitionPredicate
You can reduce memory overhead during bulk operations by filtering with PartitionPredicate.
For more info, see PartitionPredicate.
Use Entry Processor
In some scenarios, reversing the traditional approach can be more effective. Instead of fetching all data to the local application for processing, you can send operations directly to the data. This in-place processing method saves both time and resources; Entry Processor is an excellent tool for this purpose.
For more info, see Entry Processor.
Use SQL service
SQL was designed specifically for distributed computing use cases: SQL query results are paged, which makes SQL a good tool to fetch data in bulk.
The following example shows a replacement for IMap#values()
String MAP_NAME = "...";
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient();
// Create a SQL mapping for IMap
client.getSql().execute("CREATE MAPPING " + MAP_NAME + " (__key INT, this VARCHAR)");
// Run query to replace IMap#values()
SqlResult result = client.getSql().execute("SELECT this FROM " + MAP_NAME);
// Process the data in paged fashion
for (SqlRow row: result) {
/* do your processing */
You must have Jet enabled to use the SQL service. |
For more info, see SQL.