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Logging Auditable Events

Hazelcast Enterprise allows observing some important cluster events using the Auditlog feature. Auditable events have a unique type ID; they contain a timestamp and importance level. The events may also contain a message and parameters. Supported event type identifiers are listed in AuditlogTypeIds.

You can enable the auditlog feature in the configuration as follows:

Declarative Configuration:

  • XML

  • YAML

    <auditlog enabled="true" />
    enabled: true

Programmatic Configuration:

Config config = new Config();

The default auditlog implementation uses Hazelcast logging configuration and writes the events as log entries with the category name "hazelcast.auditlog".

Sample Log4j2 configuration writing auditable events to a Syslog:

        <Syslog name="Syslog" format="RFC5424"
            host="syslog.acme.com" port="514" protocol="TCP"
            appName="Hazelcast" newLine="true" messageId="Audit" id="hz" />

        <Logger name="hazelcast.auditlog" level="debug">
            <AppenderRef ref="Syslog" />

Auditlog SPI

The auditlog has its own SPI allowing you to provide your implementations. Relevant classes and interfaces are located in the com.hazelcast.auditlog package.

The central point of auditlog SPI is the AuditlogService interface and its log(…​) methods. Their implementations are responsible for processing auditable events, e.g., writing them to a database.

AuditlogService also creates the EventBuilder instances which are used to build AuditableEvents.

Another important piece in the SPI is the AuditlogServiceFactory interface. The factory class allows the AuditlogService initialization based on parameters.