REST API for WAN Wrap-Up

Deprecation Notice for the Community Edition REST API

The Community Edition REST API has been deprecated and will be removed as of Hazelcast version 7.0. An improved Enterprise version of this feature is available and actively being developed. For more info, see Enterprise REST API

To be able to use the REST calls related to WAN Replication mentioned in this section, you need to enable the WAN REST endpoint group. See the REST Endpoint Groups section on how to enable it.


Here is the list of parameters used in the WAN Replication REST calls, which are shown as placeholders in the REST calls:

  • member IP address and port: IP address and port number of the member on which you run the REST calls.

  • clusterOnSource: Name of your local (source) cluster.

  • clusterPassword: Password, if set, of your source cluster. Note that you need to enable the security when you need a cluster password. If not set, the parameter is empty.

  • wanRepName: Name of the WAN Replication configuration.

  • publisherId: WAN replication publisher ID. If not set, cluster-name under the batch-publisher element is used.

  • mapName: Name of the map to be synchronized.

  • wanConfig: WAN publisher configuration file, as a JSON string, to be added dynamically.

  • uuid: The UUID of the WAN sync operation.

The parameters in the below curl commands need to be provided in the given order, separated by &.

Let’s use the following declarative configuration as the example to be used in the curl commands described in the sections below, and let’s assume that our source cluster does not have a password:

  • XML

  • YAML

    <wan-replication name="london-wan-rep">

    <map name="myMap">
        <wan-replication-ref name="london-wan-rep"/>
  cluster-name: tokyo
        cluster-name: london

Clearing the Queues

The URL for clearing the WAN event queues is as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/clearWanQueues

The following is the curl command:

curl -X POST -d "{clusteronSourceName}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/clearWanQueues

The command according to the above example configuration is as follows:

curl -X POST -d "tokyo&&london-wan-rep&london" --URL
This endpoint only clears the specified WAN queues of the member it is sent to, it does not clear WAN queues for all members of the cluster.

Pausing the Publisher

The URL for pausing the WAN publisher is as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/pausePublisher

The following is the curl command:

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/pausePublisher

The command according to the above example configuration is as follows:

curl -X POST -d "tokyo&&london-wan-rep&london" --URL
This endpoint only pauses the specified WAN publisher on the member it is sent to, it does not pause WAN publishers for any other members of the cluster.

Resuming the Publisher

The URL for resuming the WAN publisher is as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/resumePublisher

The following is the curl command:

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/resumePublisher

The command according to the above example configuration is as follows:

curl -X POST -d "tokyo&&london-wan-rep&london" --URL
This endpoint only resumes the specified WAN publisher on the member it is sent to, it does not resume WAN publishers for any other members of the cluster.

Stopping the Publisher

The URL for stopping the WAN publisher is as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/stopPublisher

The following is the curl command:

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/stopPublisher

The command according to the above example configuration is as follows:

curl -X POST -d "tokyo&&london-wan-rep&london" --URL
This endpoint only stops the specified WAN publisher on the member it is sent to, it does not stop WAN publishers for any other members of the cluster.

Synchronizing the Clusters

Full Synchronization

For the full synchronization, the URLs for synchronizing a single map and all maps are as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/map
http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/allmaps

The following are the respective curl commands:

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}&{mapName}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/map

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/allmaps

The command according to the above example configuration is as follows (for that single map):

curl -X POST -d "tokyo&&london-wan-rep&london&myMap" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/map

The following is an example output:

{"status":"success","message":"Sync initiated","uuid":"22e1e3d6-1c96-4757-baee-4cd77f1d214e"}
This endpoint initiates WAN synchronization across the entire cluster, with the receiving member designated as the coordinator for the synchronization process.

Delta Synchronization

For the delta synchronization, you need to first perform a consistency check, using the following REST call URL:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/consistencyCheck/map

Here is the respective curl command:

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanRepName}&{publisherId}&{mapName}" --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/consistencyCheck/map

After the consistency check, you can use the same REST calls used in full synchronization in the same way to synchronize a single map or all the maps.

Consistency check can be triggered only for one map.
This endpoint initiates WAN synchronization across the entire cluster, with the receiving member designated as the coordinator for the synchronization process.

Tracking the WAN Sync Progress

You can track the progress of a WAN sync operation. The URL is as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/progress/uuid

The uuid can be seen in the output of WAN sync commands as shown in the previous section. Here is the respective curl command for tracking the progress:

curl -X GET --URL http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/progress/uuid

The following is an example output:


The other stages are STARTED, IN_PROGRESS and FAILED.

As WAN synchronization is an operation that occurs across the cluster, this response represents the WAN sync progress for the entire cluster.

Dynamically Adding WAN Publishers

The URL for dynamically adding a WAN publisher configuration is as follows:

http://{member IP address:port}/hazelcast/rest/wan/addWanConfig

The following is the curl command:

curl -X POST -d "{clusterOnSource}&{clusterPassword}&{wanConfig}" --URL

The wanConfig parameter should be the full configuration as a JSON string. See here for configuration examples.

This endpoint deploys the provided config across all members of the cluster, following the same principles as other dynamic configuration mechanisms.