Upgrade Cluster to Enterprise Edition

You can upgrade your Open Source cluster to an Enterprise cluster using an in-place rolling restart to change each member in turn.

This approach ensures that you can move your cluster without interruption to the service. Similar to the rolling upgrade process, a rolling restart allows you to move one member at a time.

To use a rolling restart to upgrade your cluster to Enterprise Edition, the codebase of your Community Edition cluster must match the target Enterprise Edition release.

For example, you can use a rolling restart to upgrade your cluster from Community Edition 5.5 to Enterprise Edition 5.5. However, you cannot use a rolling restart to move to Enterprise Edition 5.5 from an earlier Community Edition release, such as 5.3. To move from an earlier Community Edition release, you must migrate your Community Edition data and any other associated updates, then set-up Enterprise Edition. You might find the Data Migration Tool (DMT) suitable for migrating your data. For further information on the DMT, see Using the Data Migration Tool.

Best Practice

Before starting a rolling restart, consider the following best practices:

  • Backup your IMap and ReplicatedMap data structures using your usual method. This is not essential, but it is recommended practice

  • Ensure that the version of JDK meets the minimum required for the target Enterprise Edition release

  • Plan sufficient time for the rolling restart to complete, and remember that the member cannot change during the move

Perform a Rolling Restart

To move your Community Edition cluster to Enterprise Edition, complete the following steps:

  1. Gracefully shut down an existing Community Edition member.

  2. Wait for all partitions to migrate to the rest of the cluster.

    During migrations, members cannot join or leave the cluster.

  3. Upgrade the member’s codebase to match the Enterprise Edition version.

  4. Start the member and wait until it joins the Enterprise Edition cluster.

  5. Repeat this process for each member in the Community Edition cluster.

  6. When all members on the Community Edition cluster have been moved to the Enterprise Edition cluster, enable and configure the Enterprise Edition features that you want to use using dynamic configuration.

    For further information on dynamic configuration, see Dynamic Configuration for Members.

    For further information on the available features, their license requirements, and configuration, see Move to Enterprise Edition from Community Edition.