JCache Setup and Configuration
This section shows what is necessary to provide the JCache API and the Hazelcast JCache implementation for your application. In addition, it demonstrates the different configuration options and describes the configuration properties.
Setting up Your Application
To provide your application with this JCache functionality, your application needs the JCache API inside its classpath. This API is the bridge between the specified JCache standard and the implementation provided by Hazelcast.
The method of integrating the JCache API JAR into the application classpath depends on the build system used. For Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy and many other build systems, all using Maven-based dependency repositories, perform the integration by adding the Maven coordinates to the build descriptor.
As already mentioned, you have to add JCache coordinates next to the default Hazelcast coordinates that might be already part of the application.
For Maven users, the coordinates look like the following code:
With other build systems, you might need to describe the coordinates in a different way.
Activating Hazelcast as JCache Provider
To activate Hazelcast as the JCache provider implementation,
add the
file to the classpath (if not already available).
The users of other build systems have to adjust the definition of the dependency to their needs.
Connecting Clients to Remote Member
When you want to use Hazelcast clients to connect to
a remote cluster, you do not need to perform any additional
steps; having hazelcast
as a dependency does the work since
it contains the client libraries, too:
For other build systems, for instance, ANT, the users have to download these dependencies from either the JSR-107 specification and Hazelcast community website (hazelcast.org) or from the Maven repository search page (maven.org).
Example JCache Application
Before moving on to configuration, let’s have a look at a basic introductory example. The following code shows how to use the Hazelcast JCache integration inside an application in an easy but typesafe way.
// Retrieve the CachingProvider which is automatically backed by
// the chosen Hazelcast member or client provider.
CachingProvider cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
// Create a CacheManager.
CacheManager cacheManager = cachingProvider.getCacheManager();
// Create a simple but typesafe configuration for the cache.
CompleteConfiguration<String, String> config =
new MutableConfiguration<String, String>()
.setTypes( String.class, String.class );
// Create and get the cache.
Cache<String, String> cache = cacheManager.createCache( "example", config );
// Alternatively to request an already existing cache:
// Cache<String, String> cache = cacheManager
// .getCache( name, String.class, String.class );
// Put a value into the cache.
cache.put( "world", "Hello World" );
// Retrieve the value again from the cache.
String value = cache.get( "world" );
// Print the value 'Hello World'.
System.out.println( value );
Let’s go through the code lines of the above example one by one from top to bottom.
1. Getting the Hazelcast JCache Implementation:
First of all, we retrieve the javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider
using the static method from
, which automatically
picks up Hazelcast as the underlying JCache implementation, if
available in the classpath. This way, the Hazelcast implementation
of a CachingProvider
automatically starts a new Hazelcast client and
picks up the configuration from either the command line parameter
or from the classpath. We will show how to use an existing
later in this chapter; for now, we keep
it simple.
2. Setting up the JCache Entry Point:
The next line in the example code above asks the CachingProvider
return a javax.cache.CacheManager
. This is the general application’s entry
point into JCache. The CacheManager
creates and manages
named caches.
3. Configuring the Cache Before Creating It:
Then we create a simple
to configure
the cache before actually
creating it. In this case, we only configure the key and value
types to make the cache typesafe which is highly recommended and
checked on retrieval of the cache.
4. Creating the Cache:
To create the cache, we call javax.cache.CacheManager.createCache()
with a name for the cache and the previously created
configuration; the call returns the created cache. If you need to
retrieve a previously created cache, you can use the corresponding
method overload javax.cache.CacheManager.getCache()
. If the cache
was created using type parameters, you must retrieve the cache
afterward using the type checking version of getCache
5. get, put and getAndPut:
Then we use the simple put
and get
calls from the
interface. The
has a void
return type and does
not return the previously assigned value of the key. To imitate the
method, the JCache cache has a method
called getAndPut
Configuring for JCache
Hazelcast JCache provides two different methods for cache configuration:
declaratively: using
programmatically: the typical Hazelcast way, using the Config API seen above
Declarative Configuration
You can declare your JCache cache configuration using the
or hazelcast-client.xml
configuration files.
Using this declarative configuration makes creating the javax.cache.Cache
fully transparent and automatically ensures internal thread safety.
You do not need a call to javax.cache.Cache.createCache()
in this case:
you can retrieve the cache using
overloads and by passing in the name defined
in the configuration for the cache.
To retrieve the cache that you defined in the declaration files, you only need to perform a simple call (example below) because the cache is created automatically by the implementation.
CachingProvider cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager cacheManager = cachingProvider.getCacheManager();
Cache<Object, Object> cache = cacheManager
.getCache( "default", Object.class, Object.class );
Note that this section only describes the JCache provided standard properties. For the Hazelcast specific properties, see the ICache Configuration section.
<cache name="*">
<key-type class-name="java.lang.Object" />
<value-type class-name="java.lang.Object" />
class-name="com.example.cache.MyCacheLoaderFactory" />
class-name="com.example.cache.MyCacheWriterFactory" />
class-name="com.example.cache.MyExpiryPolicyFactory" />
<cache-entry-listener old-value-required="false" synchronous="false">
class-name="com.example.cache.MyEntryListenerFactory" />
class-name="com.example.cache.MyEntryEventFilterFactory" />
class-name: java.lang.Object
class-name: java.lang.Object
statistics-enabled: false
management-enabled: false
read-through: true
write-through: true
class-name: com.example.cache.MyCacheLoaderFactory
class-name: com.example.cache.MyCacheWriterFactory
class-name: com.example.cache.MyExpirePolicyFactory
old-value-required: false
synchronous: false
class-name: com.example.cache.MyEntryListenerFactory
class-name: com.example.cache.MyEntryEventFilterFactory
: Fully qualified class name of the cache key type. Its default value isjava.lang.Object
. -
: Fully qualified class name of the cache value type. Its default value isjava.lang.Object
. -
: If set to true, statistics like cache hits and misses are collected. Its default value is false. -
: If set to true, JMX beans are enabled and collected statistics are provided. It doesn’t automatically enable statistics collection. Its default value is false. -
: If set to true, enables read-through behavior of the cache to an underlying configuredjavax.cache.integration.CacheLoader
which is also known as lazy-loading. Its default value is false. -
: If set to true, enables write-through behavior of the cache to an underlying configuredjavax.cache.integration.CacheWriter
which passes any changed value to the external backend resource. Its default value is false. -
: Fully qualified class name of thejavax.cache.configuration.Factory
implementation providing ajavax.cache.integration.CacheLoader
instance to the cache. -
: Fully qualified class name of thejavax.cache.configuration.Factory
implementation providing ajavax.cache.integration.CacheWriter
instance to the cache. -
: Fully qualified class name of thejavax.cache.configuration.Factory
implementation providing ajavax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy
instance to the cache. -
: A set of attributes and elements, explained below, to describe ajavax.cache.event.CacheEntryListener
: If set to true, previously assigned values for the affected keys are sent to thejavax.cache.event.CacheEntryListener
implementation. Setting this attribute to true creates additional traffic. Its default value is false. -
: If set to true, thejavax.cache.event.CacheEntryListener
implementation is called in a synchronous manner. Its default value is false. -
: Fully qualified class name of thejavax.cache.configuration.Factory
implementation providing ajavax.cache.event.CacheEntryListener
instance. -
: Fully qualified class name of thejavax.cache.configuration.Factory
implementation providing ajavax.cache.event.CacheEntryEventFilter
The JMX MBeans provided by Hazelcast JCache show statistics of the local member only. To show the cluster-wide statistics, the user should collect statistic information from all members and accumulate them to the overall statistics. |
Programmatic Configuration
To configure the JCache programmatically:
either instantiate
if you will use only the JCache standard configuration, -
or instantiate
for a deeper Hazelcast integration.
offers additional options that
are specific to Hazelcast, such as asynchronous and synchronous backup counts.
Both classes share the same supertype interface
which is part of the JCache
To stay vendor independent, try to keep your code as near as
possible to the standard JCache API. We recommend that you use declarative
configuration and that you use the javax.cache.configuration.Configuration
or javax.cache.configuration.CompleteConfiguration interfaces in
your code only when you need to pass the configuration instance throughout your code.
If you don’t need to configure Hazelcast specific properties, we recommend that you instantiate
and that you use the
setters to configure Hazelcast as shown in the example in the
Example JCache Application section.
Since the configurable properties are the same as the ones explained in the
JCache Declarative Configuration section,
they are not mentioned here. For Hazelcast specific properties, please read the
ICache Configuration section.