5.5.0 Release Notes

These release notes list any new features, enhancements, fixes and breaking changes that were made between version 5.4.1 and version 5.5.0 of Hazelcast Platform.

New Features

  • Vector collection data structure

  • Multi-member routing for Java clients

  • Jet job placement control

  • Long-term Support (LTS) releases

  • Feast feature store integration

  • Dynamic configuration using REST API

For more details on new features, see What’s new in 5.5.

Breaking Changes

  • For Community Edition users only - CP Subsystem is now an Enterprise Edition only feature

  • Thread-per-core (TPC) requires ALL_MEMBERS cluster routing (previously known as smart routing) to function on clients

Known Issues

  • There is currently a known issue that has potential for causing a memory leak in Vector collections in some scenarios. For more info, including a workaround, see Vector Collection Known Issue.


  • Replace smart-routing with cluster-routing options

  • Update cluster routing mode compatibility for TPC

  • Introduce queue cap props for persistence

  • Allow EE member to join OS cluster

  • Client connectivity logging

  • Add needsFsync to Clear task

  • Shade vector JAR in main enterprise JAR

  • Manual index cleanup operation

  • Re-introduce RU code for 5.2 → 5.5 upgrade

  • Configuration for number of neighbours fetched from partitions

  • Fail-fast if specify CP config in a Community version

  • Allow 5.5 member join clusters with version 5.0-5.4

  • Add JobBuilder to JetService

  • Introduce a common parent POM for hazelcast and hazelcast-enterprise

  • Improve float array serialization performance

  • Add CP direct-to-leader operation sending for ADVANCED_CP licensed clients

  • Add ZGC bean names to support GC stats #26329


  • Delete Jet job resources immediately after job finishes

  • Fix completed op count metric in OperationThread

  • Fix incorrect results of parallel SQL queries with reusable processor meta-suppliers

  • Restore previous ExecutionService graceful shutdown timeout value

  • Improve float array serialization performance in client protocol

  • Explicitly release netty release counted netty ssl engine

  • Exclude non-WAN address aliases during WAN MemberHandshake

  • JobConfig#add() not using derived id for some resources

  • GCS connection issue workaround

  • Correct UserCodeNamespaceService#reset behaviour

  • Prevent SystemPropertiesConfigParser throwing ClassCastException on startup with non-String properties

  • Don’t use the default password from the SymmetricEncryptionConfig

  • Make AddIndexBackupOperation allowed in passive state

  • Execute PostJoin operations if member hot restart start is forced

  • Fix partition migrating lock during concurrent migration and replication

  • Fix known CP issue that caused OOMs due to leadership races

  • Fix partitions initial offsets in Kafka connector #25769

  • IMap.delete operations don’t update the LocalMapStats #26212

  • Updated StringUtil::trim() to consider all type of white space #25804

Removed/Deprecated Features

  • The smart-routing client configuration option has been deprecated in favor of the new cluster-routing options


We would like to thank the contributors from our open source community who worked on this release: