Phone Homes

Hazelcast uses phone home data to learn about the usage of Hazelcast.

Hazelcast member instances call our phone home server initially when they are started and then every 24 hours. This applies to all the instances joined to the cluster.

What is sent in?

The following information is sent in a phone home:

  • Hazelcast version

  • Local Hazelcast member UUID

  • Download ID

  • A hash value of the cluster ID

  • Cluster size; bands of 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 150, 300, 600 and > 600

  • Partition count

  • Number of active client connections during the phone home ping; bands of 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 150, 300, 600 and > 600

  • Number of clients connected since the last phone home ping

  • Number of clients disconnected since the last phone home ping

  • Number of active client connections with routing mode ALL_MEMBERS, SINGLE_MEMBER, and MULTI_MEMBER

  • Total duration of client connections since the last phone home ping

  • Versions of the connected, disconnected or active clients since the last phone home ping

  • Cluster uptime

  • Member uptime

  • Whether the Jet engine and Jet resource uploading is enabled; if so, name of the Jet engine service and count of Jet jobs

  • Heap memory usage

  • Data memory cost

  • Count of submitted SQL queries

  • Environment Information:

    • Name of operating system

    • Kernel architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)

    • Version of operating system

    • Version of installed Java

    • Name of Java Virtual Machine

    • Classpath of Java Virtual Machine

  • REST API specific:

    • Whether the REST API is enabled

    • Total number of REST calls

    • Number of map-related REST calls

    • Number of queue-related REST calls

    • Number of unique requests

    • Number of successful map GET calls

    • Number of failed map GET calls

    • Number of successful map POST calls

    • Number of failed map POST calls

    • Number of successful map DELETE calls

    • Number of failed map DELETE calls

    • Number of maps accessed using the REST API

    • Number of successful queue POST calls

    • Number of failed queue POST calls

    • Number of successful queue GET calls

    • Number of failed queue GET calls

    • Number of successful queue DELETE calls

    • Number of failed queue DELETE calls

    • Number of queues accessed using the REST API

    • Number of successful configuration update calls

    • Number of failed configuration update calls

    • Number of successful configuration reload calls

    • Number of failed configuration reload calls

  • CP Subsystem specific:

    • Whether CP Subsystem is enabled

    • CP Subsystem members count

    • CP Subsystem groups count

    • Semaphores count

    • CountDownLatches count

    • FencedLocks count

    • AtomicLongs count

    • AtomicRefs count

  • Hazelcast Enterprise Edition specific:

    • Flag for Hazelcast Enterprise Edition

    • Hash value of license key

    • Native memory usage

    • Whether dynamic configuration persistence is enabled

    • Whether HD memory is enabled

    • Whether Tiered Storage is enabled

    • Whether User Code Namespaces is enabled; if so, count of registered user code namespaces

    • Count of submitted placement controlled jobs

Disabling Phone Homes

Set the system property to false either in the config or on the Java command line. See the System Properties appendix for information about how to set a property.

You can also disable the phone home using the environment variable HZ_PHONE_HOME_ENABLED.

Simply add the following line to your .bash_profile:


Phone Home URLs

For versions 1.x and 2.x:

For versions 3.x up to 3.6:

For versions after 3.6: