Actions and Remedies for Alerts

When an alert fires on a Hazelcast cluster member, it’s important to gather as much data about the ailing member as possible to take the suitable action. For this, you can use the following options.

Hazelcast Logs

You can collect Hazelcast logs from all members. If you run Hazelcast with a client-server topology, also collect client application logs before a restart. See the Logging section for details.

Garbage Collection Logs

You can use jstat to retrieve garbage collection (GC) logs for a JVM as shown below:

jstat -gcutil -t JAVA_PID 1000 1

JAVA_PID is the ID of the Hazelcast process which you can find using, e.g., the top command.

You can also enable GC logging settings as shown below in your JVM options configuration:


You can use the following parameter to specify the location for the GC log file:


The JVM options configuration file (jvm.options) is located under the config/ directory of your Hazelcast distribution. See the Configuring JVM parameters section for more information on JVM configuration.

See the GC Tuning guide by Oracle for more information about the garbage collection in JVMs.

Thread Dumps

Make sure you take thread dumps of the ailing member using either the Management Center (see the Monitoring Members chapters of the Management Center documentation), jstack, tools such as visualVM, or a script. Take multiple snapshots of thread dumps at 3–4 second intervals.

Let’s use a script to generate a Java thread dump:

  1. Note the process ID number of the Java process (JAVA_PID), e.g., using top.

  2. Prepare a shell script with the content as shown below; name the script as

     #!/bin/sh #
    # Takes the Target Java Process PID as an argument. #
    # Create thread dumps a specified number of times and INTERVAL. Thread dumps
    # will be in the file where stdout was redirected or in console output. #
    # Usage: sh ./ #
    # Number of times to collect data.
    # Interval in seconds between data points. INTERVAL=20
      for ((i=1; i <= $LOOP; i++))
    kill -3 $1
    echo "thread dump #" $i if [ $i -lt $LOOP ]; then
    echo "Sleeping..."
            sleep $INTERVAL
  3. Make the script executable using chmod 755. This example script captures a series of 6 thread dumps spaced 20 seconds apart (modify as needed), passing in the Java process ID as an argument.

  4. Kill the process using the kill -QUIT or kill -3 command:

    kill -3 JAVA_PID
  5. Run the script as follows:

    sh ./ JAVA_PID

Be sure to test the script before the issue happens to make sure it runs properly in your environment.

You can also use jstack to generate thread dumps if you run Hazelcast on OpenJDK, or Sun JDK 1.6 or newer (just be sure that your JVM configuration does not include the -Xrs parameter):

  1. Note the process ID number of the Java process (JAVA_PID), e.g., using top.

  2. Kill the process using the kill -QUIT or kill -3 command:

    kill -3 JAVA_PID
  3. Run the following command to write the thread dump to the jstack.out file:

    jstack -l JAVA_PID > jstack.out

Alternatively, you can always use the following tools to generate thread dumps:

Heap Dumps

Make sure you take heap dumps and histograms of the ailing JVM. For this, you can use the JDK’s jmap tool:

  1. Note the process ID number of the Java process (JAVA_PID), e.g., using top.

  2. Run the following command:

    jmap -dump:live,file=<file-path> JAVA_PID

    file=file-path specifies the name and path of the file where heap dump will be written.

You can also create and run a script, an example content of which is shown below:

if [ "x$MIN_HEAP_SIZE" != "x" ]; then

if [ "x$MAX_HEAP_SIZE" != "x" ]; then

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=20M -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:/path/to/your/log/directory/hazelcast-gc.log.`date +%Y- %m-%d-%H-%M` -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/path/to/your/log/directory/ -verbose:gc -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/path/to/your/log/directory/"

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