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Native Client Security

Hazelcast’s Client security includes both authentication and authorization.


The authentication mechanism works the same as cluster member authentication. To implement client authentication, you configure a Credential and one or more LoginModules. The client side also needs a factory object as in member side, e.g., the ICredentialsFactory given in the Cluster Member Security section above.

    <security enabled="true">
            <login-module usage="REQUIRED"
                    <property name="property3">value3</property>
            <login-module usage="SUFFICIENT"
                    <property name="property4">value4</property>
            <login-module usage="OPTIONAL"
                    <property name="property5">value5</property>

You can define as many as LoginModules as you want in the configuration. Those are executed in the order given in configuration. The usage attribute has 4 values: 'required', 'requisite', 'sufficient' and 'optional' as defined in javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.

ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
clientConfig.setCredentials( new UsernamePasswordCredentials( "dev", "dev-pass" ) );
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient( clientConfig );
See an implementation and configuration example here.


Hazelcast client authorization is configured by a client permission policy. Hazelcast has a default permission policy implementation that uses permission configurations defined in the Hazelcast security configuration. Default policy permission checks are done against instance types (map, queue, etc.), instance names (map, queue, name, etc.), instance actions (put, read, remove, add, etc.), client endpoint addresses and client principal defined by the Credentials object.

The default permission policy allows to use comma separated names in the principal attribute configuration.

You can define the instance and principal names as wildcards using the "*" character. See the Using Wildcards section for details.

The endpoint names can use range characters "-" and "*" as described in the Interfaces section.

    <security enabled="true">
            <!-- Principals 'admin' and 'root' from endpoint '' have all permissions. -->
            <all-permissions principal="admin,root">

            <!-- Principals named 'dev' from all endpoints have 'create', 'destroy',
            'put', 'read' permissions for map named 'myMap'. -->
            <map-permission name="myMap" principal="dev">

            <!-- All principals from endpoints '' or matching to '10.10.*.*'
            have 'put', 'read', 'remove' permissions for map
            whose name matches to 'com.foo.entity.*'. -->
            <map-permission name="com.foo.entity.*">

            <!-- Principals named 'dev' from endpoints matching to either
            '' or '192.168.2.*'
            have 'create', 'add', 'remove' permissions for all queues. -->
            <queue-permission name="*" principal="dev">

           <!-- All principals from all endpoints have transaction permission.-->
           <transaction-permission />

You can also define your own policy by implementing com.hazelcast.security.IPermissionPolicy.

package com.hazelcast.security;
 * IPermissionPolicy is used to determine any Subject's
 * permissions to perform a security sensitive Hazelcast operation.
public interface IPermissionPolicy {
  void configure( SecurityConfig securityConfig, Properties properties );

  PermissionCollection getPermissions( Subject subject,
                                       Class<? extends Permission> type );

  void destroy();

Permission policy implementations can access client-permissions that are in the configuration by using SecurityConfig.getClientPermissionConfigs() when Hazelcast calls the configure(SecurityConfig securityConfig, Properties properties) method.

The IPermissionPolicy.getPermissions(Subject subject, Class<? extends Permission> type) method is used to determine a client request that has been granted permission to perform a security-sensitive operation.

Permission policy should return a PermissionCollection containing permissions of the given type for the given Subject. The Hazelcast access controller calls PermissionCollection.implies(Permission) on returning PermissionCollection and it decides whether the current Subject has permission to access the requested resources.


The following is the list of client permissions that can be configured on the member:

  • All Permission

    <all-permissions principal="principal">
  • Map Permission

    <map-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, put, read, remove, lock, intercept, index, listen

  • Queue Permission

    <queue-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, add, remove, read, listen

  • Multimap Permission

    <multimap-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, put, read, remove, listen, lock

  • Topic Permission

    <topic-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: create, destroy, publish, listen

  • List Permission

    <list-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, add, read, remove, listen

  • Set Permission

    <set-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, add, read, remove, listen

  • Lock Permission

    <lock-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, lock, read

  • AtomicLong Permission

    <atomic-long-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, read, modify

  • CountDownLatch Permission

    <countdown-latch-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, modify, read

  • IdGenerator Permission

    <id-generator-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, modify, read

  • FlakeIdGenerator Permission

    <flake-id-generator-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, modify

  • Semaphore Permission

    <semaphore-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, acquire, release, read

  • Executor Service Permission

    <executor-service-permission name="name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy

  • Transaction Permission

    <transaction-permission principal="principal">
  • Cache Permission

    <cache-permission name="/hz/cache-name" principal="principal">

    Actions: all, create, destroy, put, read, remove, listen

  • User Code Deployment Permission

    <user-code-deployment-permission principal="principal">

    Actions: all, deploy

The name provided in cache-permission must be the Hazelcast distributed object name corresponding to the Cache as described in JCache - Hazelcast Instance Integration.

Handling Permissions When a New Member Joins

By default, the set of permissions defined in the leader member of a cluster is distributed to the newly joining members, overriding their own permission configurations, if any. However, you can configure a new member to be joined, so that it keeps its own set of permissions and even send these to the existing members in the cluster. This can be done dynamically, i.e., without needing to restart the cluster, using either one of the following configuration options:

  • the on-join-operation configuration attribute

  • the setOnJoinPermissionOperation() method

Using the above, you can choose whether a new member joining to a cluster will apply the client permissions stored in its own configuration, or use the ones defined in the cluster. The behaviors that you can specify with the configuration are RECEIVE, SEND and NONE, which are described after the examples below.

The following are the examples for both approaches on how to use them:

Declarative Configuration:

    <security enabled="true">
        <client-permissions on-join-operation="SEND">
            <!-- ... -->

Programmatic Configuration:

Config config = new Config();

The behaviors are explained below:

  • RECEIVE: Applies the permissions from the leader member in the cluster before join. This is the default value.

  • SEND: Doesn’t apply the permissions from the leader member before join. If the security is enabled, then it refreshes or replaces the cluster wide permissions with the ones in the new member after the join is complete. This option is suitable for the scenarios where you need to replace the cluster wide permissions without restarting the cluster.

  • NONE: Neither applies pre-join permissions, nor sends the local permissions to the other members. It means that the new member does not send its own permission definitions to the cluster, but keeps them when it joins. However, after the join, when you update the permissions in the other cluster members, those updates are also sent to the newly joining member. Therefore, this option is suitable for the scenarios where you need to elevate privileges temporarily on a single member (preferably a lite member) for a limited time period. The clients which want to use these temporary permissions have to access the cluster through this single new member, meaning that you need to disable smart routing for such clients.

    Note that, the create and destroy permissions will not work when using the NONE option, since the distributed objects need to be created/destroyed on all the members.

    The following is an example for a scenario where NONE is used:

    // temporary member, in the below case a lite member
    Config config = new Config().setLiteMember(true);
    PermissionConfig allPermission = new PermissionConfig(PermissionType.ALL, "*", null);
    HazelcastInstance hzLite = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);
    // temporary client connecting only to the lite member
    String memberAddr = ...;
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
    HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
    // do operations with escalated privileges:
    client.getMap("protectedConfig").put("master.resolution", "1920");
    // shutdown the client and lite member