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Deploying User Codes on Clients

You can also deploy your code from the client side for the following situations:

  1. You have objects that run on the cluster via the clients such as Runnable, Callable and EntryProcessor.

  2. You have new user domain objects which need to be deployed into the cluster.

When this feature is enabled on the client, the client will deploy the classes to the members when connecting. This way, when a client adds a new class, the members do not require a restart to include it in their classpath.

You can also use the client permission policy to specify which clients are permitted to use User Code Deployment. See the Permissions section.

Configuring Client User Code Deployment

Client User Code Deployment feature is not enabled by default. You can configure this feature declaratively or programmatically.

Following are example configuration snippets:

Declarative Configuration:

In your hazelcast-client.xml:

    <user-code-deployment enabled="true">
            <jarPath>example.jar</jarPath> <!--from class path -->
            <!-- for the classes available in client class path -->

Programmatic Configuration:

        ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
        ClientUserCodeDeploymentConfig clientUserCodeDeploymentConfig = new ClientUserCodeDeploymentConfig();



Important to Know

Note that User Code Deployment should also be enabled on the members to use this feature.

Config config = new Config();
UserCodeDeploymentConfig userCodeDeploymentConfig = config.getUserCodeDeploymentConfig();
userCodeDeploymentConfig.setEnabled( true );

See the Member User Code Deployment section for more information on enabling it on the member side and its configuration properties.

For the property class-cache-mode, Client User Code Deployment supports only the ETERNAL mode, regardless of the configuration set on the member side (which can be ETERNAL and OFF).

For the property, provider-mode, Client User Code Deployment supports only the LOCAL_AND_CACHED_CLASSES mode, regardless of the configuration set on the member side (which can be LOCAL_AND_CACHED_CLASSES, LOCAL_CLASSES_ONLY and OFF).

The remaining properties, which are blacklist-prefixes, whitelist-prefixes and provider-filter configured on the member side, effect the client user code deployment’s behavior too. For example, assuming that you provide com.foo as a blacklist prefix on the member side, the member discards the classes with the prefix com.foo loaded by the client.

Adding User Library to CLASSPATH

When you want to use a Hazelcast feature in a non-Java client, you need to make sure that the Hazelcast member recognizes it. For this, you can use the /user-lib directory that comes with the Hazelcast package and deploy your own library to the member. Let’s say you use Hazelcast Node.js client and want to use an entry processor. This processor should be IdentifiedDataSerializable or Portable in the Node.js client. You need to implement the Java equivalents of the processor and its factory on the member side, and put these compiled class or JAR files into the /user-lib directory. Then you can run the start.sh script which adds them to the classpath.

The following is an example code which can be the Java equivalent of entry processor in the Node.js client:

public class IdentifiedEntryProcessor extends AbstractEntryProcessor<String, String> implements IdentifiedDataSerializable {
    static final int CLASS_ID = 1;
    private String value;
    public IdentifiedEntryProcessor() {
    public int getFactoryId() {
        return IdentifiedFactory.FACTORY_ID;
    public int getId() {
        return CLASS_ID;
    public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException {
    public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException {
        value = in.readUTF();
    public Object process(Map.Entry<String, String> entry) {
        return value;

You can implement the above processor’s factory as follows:

public class IdentifiedFactory implements DataSerializableFactory {
    public static final int FACTORY_ID = 5;
    public IdentifiedDataSerializable create(int typeId) {
        if (typeId == IdentifiedEntryProcessor.CLASS_ID) {
            return new IdentifiedEntryProcessor();
        return null;

And the following is the configuration for the above factory:

            <data-serializable-factory factory-id="5">

Then, you can start your Hazelcast member by using the start scripts (start.sh or start.bat) in the /bin directory. The start scripts automatically adds your class and JAR files to the classpath.