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Migration Guides

This appendix provides guidelines when upgrading to a new Hazelcast IMDG version. See also the release notes document for the changes for each Hazelcast IMDG release.

Upgrading to Hazelcast IMDG 3.12.x

  • REST endpoint authentication: The authentication to REST endpoints has been changed in Hazelcast IMDG 3.12. Hazelcast IMDG 3.11.x checks group name and password, while 3.12 checks just the group name when security is disabled, and it uses the client login modules when the security is enabled.

  • Upgrading Cluster Version From IMDG 3.11 to 3.12: For the IMDG versions before 3.12, REST API could be enabled by using the hazelcast.rest.enabled system property, which is deprecated now. IMDG 3.12 and newer versions introduce the rest-api configuration element along with REST endpoint groups. Therefore, a configuration change is needed specifically when performing a rolling member upgrade from IMDG 3.11 to 3.12.

    So, the steps listed in the above ROOT:rolling-member-upgrades.adoc#rolling-upgrade-procedure section should be as follows:

    1. Shutdown the 3.11 member

    2. Wait until all partition migrations are completed

    3. Update the member with 3.12 binaries

    4. Update the configuration (see below)

    5. Start the member

      For the 4th step ("Update the configuration"), the configuration should be updated as follows:

          <rest-api enabled="true">
              <endpoint-group name="CLUSTER_WRITE" enabled="true"/>

      See the Using the REST Endpoint Groups section for more information.

Upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.10.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.9.x to 3.10.x and newer.

  • Starting with Hazelcast 3.10, split-brain recovery is supported for the data structures whose in-memory format is NATIVE.

Upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.9.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.9.x to 3.10.x and newer.

  • The system property based configuration for Ping Failure Detector is deprecated. Instead, use the elements to configure it, an example of which is shown below:

                <icmp enabled="true">

Until Hazelcast IMDG 3.10, the configuration has been like the following:

        <property name="hazelcast.icmp.enabled">true</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.icmp.parallel.mode">true</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.icmp.timeout">1000</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.icmp.max.attempts">3</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.icmp.interval">1000</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.icmp.ttl">0</property>

Upgrading to Hazelcast IMDG 3.8.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.7.x to 3.8.x and newer.

  • Introducing <wan-publisher> element: The configuration element <target-cluster> has been replaced with the element <wan-publisher> in WAN replication configuration.

  • WaitNotifyService interface has been renamed as OperationParker.

  • Synchronizing WAN Target Cluster: The URL for the related REST call has been changed from http://member_ip:port/hazelcast/rest/wan/sync/map to http://member_ip:port/hazelcast/rest/mancenter/wan/sync/map.

  • JCache usage: Due to a compatibility problem, CacheConfig serialization may not work if your member is 3.8.x where x < 5. You need to use the 3.8.5 or higher versions where the problem is fixed.

Upgrading to Hazelcast IMDG 3.7.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.6.x to 3.7.x and newer.

  • Important note about Hazelcast System Properties: Even Hazelcast has not been recommending the usage of GroupProperties.java class while benefiting from system properties, there has been a change to inform to the users who have been using this class: the class GroupProperties.java has been replaced by GroupProperty.java. In this new class, system properties are instances of the newly introduced HazelcastProperty object. You can access the names of these properties by calling the getName() method of HazelcastProperty.

  • Removal of WanNoDelayReplication: WanNoDelayReplication implementation of Hazelcast’s WAN Replication has been removed. You can still achieve this behavior by setting the batch size to 1 while configuring the WanBatchReplication. See the Defining WAN Replication section for more information.

  • JCache usage: Changes in JCache implementation which broke compatibility of 3.6.x clients to 3.7, 3.7.1, 3.7.2 cluster members and vice versa. 3.7, 3.7.1, 3.7.2 clients are also incompatible with 3.6.x cluster members. This issue only affects Java clients which use JCache functionality.

    You can use a compatibility option which can be used to ensure backwards compatibility with 3.6.x clients.

    In order to upgrade a 3.6.x cluster and clients to 3.7.3 (or later), you need to use this compatibility option on either the member or the client side, depending on which one is upgraded first:

    • first upgrade your cluster members to 3.7.3, adding property hazelcast.compatibility.3.6.client=true to your configuration; when started with this property, cluster members are compatible with 3.6.x and 3.7.3+ clients but not with 3.7, 3.7.1, 3.7.2 clients. Once your cluster is upgraded, you may upgrade your applications to use client version 3.7.3+.

    • upgrade your clients from 3.6.x to 3.7.3, adding property hazelcast.compatibility.3.6.server=true to your Hazelcast client configuration. A 3.7.3 client started with this compatibility option is compatible with 3.6.x and 3.7.3+ cluster members but incompatible with 3.7, 3.7.1, 3.7.2 cluster members. Once your clients are upgraded, you may then proceed to upgrade your cluster members to version 3.7.3 or later.

      You may use any of the supported ways as described in the System Properties section to configure the compatibility option. When done upgrading your cluster and clients, you may remove the compatibility property from your Hazelcast member configuration.

  • The eviction-percentage and min-eviction-check-millis elements are deprecated. They are ignored if configured, since the map eviction is based on the sampling of entries. See the Eviction Algorithm section for details.

Upgrading to Hazelcast IMDG 3.6.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.5.x to 3.6.x and newer.

  • Introducing new configuration options for WAN replication: WAN replication related system properties, which are configured on a per member basis, can now be configured per target cluster. The following system properties are no longer valid.

  • Removal of deprecated getId() method: The method getId() in the interface DistributedObject has been removed. Please use the getName() method instead.

  • Change in the Custom Serialization in the C++ Client Distribution: Before, the method getTypeId() was used to retrieve the ID of the object to be serialized. With this release, the method getHazelcastTypeId() is used and you give your object as a parameter to this new method. Also, getTypeId() was used in your custom serializer class; it has been renamed to getHazelcastTypeId(), too.

  • The LOCAL transaction type has been deprecated. Use ONE_PHASE for the Hazelcast IMDG releases 3.6 and higher.

Upgrading to Hazelcast IMDG 3.5.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 3.4.x to 3.5.x and newer.

  • Introducing the spring-aware element: Hazelcast used SpringManagedContext to scan SpringAware annotations by default. This was causing some performance overhead for the users who do not use SpringAware. With this release, SpringAware annotations are disabled by default. By introducing the spring-aware element, it is possible to enable it by adding the <hz:spring-aware /> tag to the configuration. See the Spring Integration section.

Upgrading to Hazelcast IMDG 3.x

This section provides information to be considered when upgrading from Hazelcast IMDG 2.x to 3.x.

  • Removal of deprecated static methods: The static methods of Hazelcast class reaching Hazelcast data components have been removed. The functionality of these methods can be reached from the HazelcastInstance interface. You should replace the following:

    Map<Integer, String> customers = Hazelcast.getMap( "customers" );


    HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
    // or if you already started an instance named "instance1"
    // HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.getHazelcastInstanceByName( "instance1" );
    Map<Integer, String> customers = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "customers" );
  • Renaming "instance" to "distributed object": There were confusions about the term "instance"; it was used for both the cluster members and distributed objects (map, queue, topic, etc. instances). Starting with this release, the term "instance" is used for Hazelcast instances. The term "distributed object" is used for map, queue, etc. instances. You should replace the related methods with the new renamed ones. 3.0.x clients are smart clients in that they know in which cluster member the data is located, so you can replace your lite members with native clients.

    public static void main( String[] args ) throws InterruptedException {
      HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
      IMap map = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "test" );
      Collection<Instance> instances = hazelcastInstance.getInstances();
      for ( Instance instance : instances ) {
        if ( instance.getInstanceType() == Instance.InstanceType.MAP ) {
          System.out.println( "There is a map with name: " + instance.getId() );


    public static void main( String[] args ) throws InterruptedException {
      HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
      IMap map = hz.getMap( "test" );
      Collection<DistributedObject> objects = hazelcastInstance.getDistributedObjects();
      for ( DistributedObject distributedObject : objects ) {
        if ( distributedObject instanceof IMap ) {
          System.out.println( "There is a map with name: " + distributedObject.getName() );
  • Package structure change: PartitionService has been moved to the com.hazelcast.core package from com.hazelcast.partition.

  • Listener API change: The removeListener methods were taking the listener object as a parameter. But this caused confusion since the same listener object may be used as a parameter for different listener registrations. So we have changed the listener API. The addListener methods returns a unique ID and you can remove a listener by using this ID. So you should do the following replacement if needed:

    IMap map = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "map" );
    map.addEntryListener( listener, true );
    map.removeEntryListener( listener );


    IMap map = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "map" );
    String listenerId = map.addEntryListener( listener, true );
    map.removeEntryListener( listenerId );
  • IMap changes:

    • tryRemove(K key, long timeout, TimeUnit timeunit) returns boolean indicating whether operation is successful.

    • tryLockAndGet(K key, long time, TimeUnit timeunit) is removed.

    • putAndUnlock(K key, V value) is removed.

    • lockMap(long time, TimeUnit timeunit) and unlockMap() are removed.

    • getMapEntry(K key) is renamed as getEntryView(K key). The returned object’s type (MapEntry class) is renamed as EntryView.

    • There is no predefined names for merge policies. You just give the full class name of the merge policy implementation:


      Also the MergePolicy interface has been renamed as MapMergePolicy and returning null from the implemented merge() method causes the existing entry to be removed.

  • IQueue changes: There is no change on IQueue API but there are changes on how IQueue is configured: there is no backing map configuration for queue. Settings like backup count are directly configured on the queue configuration. See the Queue section.

  • Transaction API change: Transaction API has been changed. See the Transactions chapter.

  • ExecutorService API change: The MultiTask and DistributedTask classes have been removed. All the functionality is supported by the newly presented interface IExecutorService. See the Executor Service section.

  • LifeCycleService API: The lifecycle has been simplified. The pause(), resume(), restart() methods have been removed.

  • AtomicNumber: AtomicNumber class has been renamed as IAtomicLong.

  • ICountDownLatch: The await() operation has been removed. We expect users to use await() method with timeout parameters.

  • ISemaphore API: The ISemaphore has been substantially changed. The attach(), detach() methods have been removed.

  • Before, the default value for max-size eviction policy was cluster_wide_map_size. Starting with this release, the default is PER_NODE. After upgrading, the max-size should be set according to this new default, if it is not changed. Otherwise, it is likely that OutOfMemoryException may be thrown.