
You can use the scripting feature of the Management Center to monitor the locks in your cluster. See the Scripting section to learn how to use this feature.

You can use these JavaScript functions to retrieve various information about the locks in your cluster.

Finding Active Locks

To find the number of active locks in your cluster, use the following script:

var findLocks = function() {
    var lockstr = '';
    var node = hazelcast.getCluster().getLocalMember();

    var locks = hazelcast.node.nodeEngine.getService('hz:impl:lockService').getAllLocks();
    return "Active Lock Count : " + locks.size();



Printing Locks

To print the locks in your cluster, use the following script:

var findLocks = function() {
        var lockStr = '';
        var distributedObjects = hazelcast.getDistributedObjects();
        for each(distributedObject in distributedObjects) {
                lockStr += distributedObject.getName() + '\n';

        return lockStr;


Unlocking Forcefully

To force unlock a lock in your cluster, use the following script:

var forceUnlock = function(lockName) {

    return 'OK';



Checking Locks

To check if a lock is being hold by a member, use the following script:

var isLocked = function(lockName) {

    var locked = hazelcast.getLock(lockName).isLocked();
    return lockName + ' -> ' + locked;

