A newer version of IMDG is available.

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Want to try Hazelcast Platform?

We’ve combined the in-memory storage of IMDG with the stream processing power of Jet to bring you the all new Hazelcast Platform.


As a prerequisite, make sure you have Java installed on your system. If you’re using JDK 11 or later, see Running in Modular Java. For the list of supported Java versions, see Supported Java Virtual Machines.

You can find Hazelcast in standard Maven repositories. If your project uses Maven, you do not need to add additional repositories to your pom.xml or add hazelcast-4.0.6.jar file into your classpath (Maven does that for you). Just add the following lines to your pom.xml:

  • Hazelcast Open Source Edition

  • Hazelcast Enterprise Edition

    <!-- You need to define following repository: -->
        <id>Hazelcast Private Release Repository</id>
    <!-- Optional repository if you want to use latest snapshots -->
        <id>Hazelcast Private Snapshot Repository</id>

    <!-- You also need to define following dependencies: -->
    <!-- Optional dependency for including JavaDoc -->

Above dependency (hazelcast-all) includes both member and Java client libraries of Hazelcast IMDG. A separate Java client module and dependency do not exist. See here for the details.