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Testing for JCache Specification Compliance

Hazelcast JCache is fully compliant with the JSR 107 TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit), and therefore is officially a JCache implementation.

You can test Hazelcast JCache for compliance by executing the TCK. Just perform the instructions below:

  • Checkout tag 1.1.1 of the TCK from https://github.com/jsr107/jsr107tck.

  • Change the properties in pom.xml as shown below. Alternatively, you can set the values of these properties directly on the maven command line without editing any files as shown in the command line example below.

  • Run the TCK using the command mvn clean install. This runs the tests using an embedded Hazelcast member.




    <!-- ################################################################# -->
    <!-- Change the following properties on the command line
       to override with the coordinates for your implementation-->

    <!-- Change the following properties to your CacheManager and
       Cache implementation. Used by the unwrap tests. -->
    <!-- ################################################################# -->

Complete command line example:

git clone https://github.com/jsr107/jsr107tck
(clones JSR107 TCK repository to local directory jsr107tck)

cd jsr107tck

git checkout 1.1.1
(checkout 1.1.1 tag)

mvn -Dimplementation-groupId=com.hazelcast -Dimplementation-artifactId=hazelcast \
     -Dimplementation-version=3.10 \
     -DCacheManagerImpl=com.hazelcast.cache.impl.HazelcastServerCacheManager \
     -DCacheImpl=com.hazelcast.cache.ICache -DCacheEntryImpl=com.hazelcast.cache.impl.CacheEntry \
     clean install

See also the TCK 1.1.0 User Guide or TCK 1.0.0 User Guide for more information on the testing instructions.