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Use Cases

Hazelcast can be used:

  • to cluster highly changing data with event notifications, e.g., user based events, and to queue and distribute background tasks

  • as a simple Memcache with Near Cache

  • as a cloud-wide scheduler of certain processes that need to be performed on some members

  • to share information (user information, queues, maps, etc.) on the fly with multiple members in different installations under OSGI environments

  • to share keys in a cluster where there is a web service interface on an application server and some validation

  • as a distributed topic (publish/subscribe server) to build scalable chat servers for smartphones

  • as a strongly consistent layer for its concurrency API which is Hazelcast’s CP (CP with respect the CAP principle) subsystem built on top of the Raft consensus algorithm

  • as a front layer for a Cassandra back-end

  • to distribute user object states across the cluster, to pass messages between objects and to share system data structures (static initialization state, mirrored objects, object identity generators)

  • as a multi-tenancy cache where each tenant has its own map

  • to share datasets, e.g., table-like data structure, to be used by applications

  • to distribute the load and collect status from Amazon EC2 servers where the front-end is developed using, for example, Spring framework

  • as a real-time streamer for performance detection

  • as storage for session data in web applications (enables horizontal scalability of the web application).