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JAAS authentication

JAAS Principals used in Hazelcast

Hazelcast works with the following JAAS Principal implementations added to the Subject:

  • ClusterIdentityPrincipal: Represents the name of authenticated party (usually one instance in the Subject).

  • ClusterRolePrincipal: Represents the role assigned to the authenticated party (usually zero or more instances in the Subject).

  • ClusterEndpointPrincipal: Represents the remote address of the authenticated party (usually one instance in the Subject).

These implementations share a common abstract parent class HazelcastPrincipal, so it is simple to find them in the JAAS Subject.

Set<HazelcastPrincipal> hazelcastPrincipals =

Callbacks Supported in Login Modules

JAAS Callback instances are used for accessing different kinds of data from the LoginModule implementations. Hazelcast supports the following Callback types:

  • javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback: Retrieves a name from Credentials object.

  • javax.security.auth.callback.PasswordCallback: Retrieves a password from PasswordCredentials object.

  • com.hazelcast.security.CertificatesCallback: Retrieves the TLS certificate chain (if any) of the connecting party.

  • com.hazelcast.security.ClusterNameCallback: Retrieves the cluster name used for the authentication.

  • com.hazelcast.security.CredentialsCallback: Retrieves Credentials used for authentication.

  • com.hazelcast.security.ConfigCallback: Retrieves the Config object of current Hazelcast member.

  • com.hazelcast.security.EndpointCallback: Retrieves the remote address of the connecting party.

  • com.hazelcast.security.SerializationServiceCallback: Retrieves SerializationService of current Hazelcast member.

The callbacks are usually used in the login() method of a login module:

        CredentialsCallback credcb = new CredentialsCallback();
        ConfigCallback ccb = new ConfigCallback();
        ClusterNameCallback cncb = new ClusterNameCallback();
        try {
            callbackHandler.handle(new Callback[] { credcb, ccb, cncb });
        } catch (IOException | UnsupportedCallbackException e) {
            throw new LoginException("Unable to retrieve necessary data");
        Credentials remoteCredentials = credcb.getCredentials();
        String remoteClusterName = cncb.getClusterName();
        Config hazelcastConfig = ccb.getConfig();


Hazelcast has an abstract implementation of LoginModule that contains shared logic and cleanup operations. It automatically creates the ClusterEndpointPrincipal instance and it also provides the addRole(String) method which simplifies adding the ClusterRolePrincipal instances.

ClusterLoginModule implements all methods from the LoginModule interface and makes them final. It provides protected methods with empty implementations, e.g., onCommit(), to align the logic to user needs. The module comes also with the following abstract methods:

  • getName(): It is used to retrieve the name of ClusterIdentityPrincipal.

  • onLogin(): Logic of the login method which needs to be provided.

Extending the ClusterLoginModule is recommended instead of implementing all the required stuff from scratch.

public abstract class ClusterLoginModule implements LoginModule {

  protected abstract boolean onLogin() throws LoginException;
  protected abstract String getName();

  protected void onInitialize() {

  protected boolean onCommit() throws LoginException {
      return true;

  protected boolean onAbort() throws LoginException {
      return true;

  protected boolean onLogout() throws LoginException {
      return true;
  // ...

ClusterLoginModule supports a basic set of login module options, which allow skipping adding principals of a given type to the JAAS Subject. It allows, for instance, to have just one ClusterIdentityPrincipal in the Subject even if there are more login modules in the chain:

Table 1. ClusterLoginModule options

Option Name

Default Value




Don’t add any ClusterIdentityPrincipal to the Subject.



Don’t add any ClusterRolePrincipal to the Subject.



Don’t add any ClusterEndpointPrincipal to the Subject.

Enterprise Integration

Using the above API, you can implement a LoginModule that performs authentication against the security system of your choice, such databases, directory services or some other corporate standard you might have. For example, you may wish to have your clients send an identification token in the Credentials object. This token can then be sent to your backend security system via the LoginModule that runs on the cluster side.

Additionally, the same system may authenticate the user and also then return the roles that are attributed to the user. These roles can then be used for data structure authorization.

See the JAAS Reference Guide for further information.