TLS/SSL Basics
You cannot use TLS/SSL when Symmetric Encryption is enabled. Also note that the symmetric encryption feature has been deprecated. |
You can use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol to establish an encrypted communication across your Hazelcast cluster with key stores and trust stores.
It is NOT recommended to reuse the key stores and trust stores for external applications. |
Using TLS/SSL may have an impact on the cluster performance. See the TLS/SSL Tuning section for more information about the performance considerations. |
TLS/SSL for Hazelcast Members
Hazelcast allows you to encrypt socket level communication between
Hazelcast members and between Hazelcast clients and members, for end
to end encryption. To use it, you need to implement
and configure the SSL section
in the network configuration.
The following is the implementation code snippet:
The following is the base declarative configuration for the
implemented SSLContextFactory
Hazelcast provides a default SSLContextFactory,
, which uses the configured
keystore to initialize SSLContext
; see the following example configuration
for TLS/SSL.
<ssl enabled="true">
<property name="protocol">TLSv1.2</property>
<property name="mutualAuthentication">REQUIRED</property>
<property name="keyStore">/opt/hazelcast-keystore.p12</property>
<property name="keyStorePassword">secret.123</property>
<property name="keyStoreType">PKCS12</property>
<property name="trustStore">/opt/hazelcast-truststore.p12</property>
<property name="trustStorePassword">changeit</property>
<property name="trustStoreType">PKCS12</property>
<property name="keyMaterialDuration">PT10M</property>
enabled: true
factory-class-name: com.hazelcast.nio.ssl.BasicSSLContextFactory
protocol: TLSv1.2
mutualAuthentication: REQUIRED
keyStore: /opt/hazelcast-keystore.p12
keyStorePassword: secret.123
keyStoreType: PKCS12
trustStore: /opt/hazelcast-truststore.p12
trustStorePassword: changeit
trustStoreType: PKCS12
keyMaterialDuration: PT10M
The following are the descriptions of the properties:
: Path of your keystore file. -
: Password to access the key from your keystore file. -
: Name of the algorithm based on which the authentication keys are provided. -
: Type of the keystore. Its default value isJKS
. Another commonly used type is thePKCS12
. Available keystore/truststore types depend on your Operating system and the Java runtime. -
: Path of your truststore file. The file truststore is a keystore file that contains a collection of certificates trusted by your application. -
: Password to unlock the truststore file. -
: Name of the algorithm based on which the trust managers are provided. -
: Type of the truststore. Its default value isJKS
. Another commonly used type is thePKCS12
. Available keystore/truststore types depend on your Operating system and the Java runtime. -
: Mutual authentication configuration. It’s empty by default which means the client side of connection is not authenticated. Available values are:-
- server forces usage of a trusted client certificate -
- server asks for a client certificate, but it doesn’t require itSee the Mutual Authentication section.
: Comma-separated list of cipher suite names allowed to be used. Its default value are all supported suites in your Java runtime. -
: Name of the algorithm which is used in your TLS/SSL. Its default value isTLS
. Available values are:-
(deprecated) -
(deprecated) -
The Internet Engineering Task Force has deprecated versions 1 and 1.1 of the TLS protocol. For the
property, we recommend you to provide TLS with its version information, e.g.,TLSv1.2
. Note that if you write onlyTLS
, your application chooses the TLS version according to your Java version.
: Flag which allows enabling endpoint identity validation. It means, during the TLS handshake client verifies if the server’s hostname (or IP address) matches the information in X.509 certificate (Subject Alternative Name extension). Possible values are"true"
(default). -
: Duration expression in ISO 8601 format (a string such asPnDTnHnMn.nS
) used for defining the cache timeout for keystore and truststore content. A positive value such asPT1H
says for how long should be the key material cached before it’s newly loaded. A negative value such asPT-1s
means the key material will be cached indefinitely. A zero-value duration expression such asPT0s
means the key material will not be cached and will always be newly loaded for each TLS-protected connection. The key material is cached indefinitely if the new property is not specified (default value).
TLS/SSL for Hazelcast Clients
The TLS configuration in Hazelcast clients is very similar to member configuration.
<ssl enabled="true">
<property name="protocol">TLSv1.2</property>
<property name="trustStore">/opt/hazelcast-client.truststore</property>
<property name="trustStorePassword">changeit</property>
<property name="trustStoreType">JKS</property>
<!-- Following properties are only needed when the mutual authentication is used. -->
<property name="keyStore">/opt/hazelcast-client.keystore</property>
<property name="keyStorePassword">clientsSecret</property>
<property name="keyStoreType">JKS</property>
enabled: true
factory-class-name: com.hazelcast.nio.ssl.BasicSSLContextFactory
protocol: TLSv1.2
trustStore: /opt/hazelcast-client.truststore
trustStorePassword: changeit
trustStoreType: JKS
# Following properties are only needed when the mutual authentication is used.
keyStore: /opt/hazelcast-client.keystore
keyStorePassword: clientsSecret
keyStoreType: JKS
The same BasicSSLContextFactory
properties used for members are available
on clients.
Clients don’t need to set mutualAuthentication
property as it’s used in
configuring the server side of TLS connections.
Mutual Authentication
TLS connections have two sides: the one opening the connection (TLS client) and the one accepting the connection (TLS server). By default only the TLS server proves its identity by presenting a certificate to the TLS client. The mutual authentication means that also the TLS clients prove their identity to the TLS servers.
Hazelcast members can be on both sides of TLS connection - TLS servers and TLS clients. Hazelcast clients are always on the client side of a TLS connection.
By default Hazelcast members have keyStore used to identify themselves to the clients and other members. Both Hazelcast members and Hazelcast clients have trustStore used to define which members they can trust.
When the mutual authentication feature is enabled, Hazelcast clients need to provide keyStore. A client proves its identity by providing its certificate to the Hazelcast member it’s connecting to. The member only accepts the connection if the client’s certificate is present in the member’s trustStore.
To enable the mutual authentication, set the mutualAuthentication
value to REQUIRED
on the member side, as shown below:
Config cfg = new Config();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("mutualAuthentication", "REQUIRED");
props.setProperty("keyStore", "/opt/hazelcast.keystore");
props.setProperty("keyStorePassword", "123456");
props.setProperty("trustStore", "/opt/hazelcast.truststore");
props.setProperty("trustStorePassword", "123456");
cfg.getNetworkConfig().setSSLConfig(new SSLConfig().setEnabled(true).setProperties(props));
And on the client side, you need to set client identity by providing the keystore:
The property mutualAuthentication
has the following options:
: Server asks for client certificate. If the client does not provide a keystore or the provided keystore is not verified against member’s truststore, the client is not authenticated. -
: Server asks for client certificate, but client is not required to provide any valid certificate.
When a new client is introduced with a new keystore, the truststore on the member side should be updated accordingly to include new clients' information to be able to accept it. |
See the below example snippet to see the full configuration on the client side:
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
Properties clientSslProps = new Properties();
clientSslProps.setProperty("keyStore", "/opt/client.keystore");
clientSslProps.setProperty("keyStorePassword", "123456");
clientSslProps.setProperty("trustStore", "/opt/client.truststore");
clientSslProps.setProperty("trustStorePassword", "123456");
config.getNetworkConfig().setSSLConfig(new SSLConfig().setEnabled(true).setProperties(clientSslProps));
If the mutual authentication is not required, the Hazelcast members accept all incoming TLS connections without verifying if the connecting side is trusted. Therefore it’s recommended to require the mutual authentication in Hazelcast members configuration.
TLS/SSL for WAN Replication
Hazelcast allows you to secure the communications between the WAN replicated clusters using TLS/SSL. WAN connections, cluster members and clients can have their own unique TLS/SSL certificates. You can also choose to have TLS/SSL configured on some of the members/clients and not on the others.
You can configure TLS/SSL for WAN replication using the advanced network configuration. See the Securing the Connections for WAN Replication section for the details.