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Connecting to a Hazelcast Cluster

To connect Management Center to a Hazelcast cluster, you need to configure at least the name of the cluster and the addresses of one or more members.

You can connect Management Center to a cluster that is configured to use TLS.

See Management Center Documentation for more detailed information.

Configuring Cluster Connections

Connection configuration for the Hazelcast clusters that Management Center will monitor.

Field Description


IP address or DNS name of the Hazelcast cluster. If the cluster is exposed with a service name in a different namespace, use the following syntax <service-name>.<service-namespace>.


Name of the Hazelcast cluster that Management Center will connect to, default is dev.


Specifies the name of Kubernetes TLS secret.

hazelcastClusters field does not support deleting clusters from the custom resource. If you want to remove a cluster from the Management Center, you can do it from the Management Center UI.

Example Management Center configuration

The example configuration below does the following:

  • Configuring connection to a Hazelcast cluster using hazelcast DNS name

  • Use dev Hazelcast cluster name

apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: ManagementCenter
  name: managementcenter
  repository: "hazelcast/management-center"
  licenseKeySecretName: hazelcast-license-key
    - address: hazelcast
      name: dev

Example Management Center with TLS Configuration

The example configuration below does the following:

  • Configuring connection to a Hazelcast cluster using hazelcast DNS name

  • Use dev Hazelcast cluster name

  • Connect to Hazelcast cluster with TLS certificate defined in example secret

apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: ManagementCenter
  name: managementcenter
  repository: 'hazelcast/management-center'
  licenseKeySecretName: hazelcast-license-key
  - address: hazelcast
    name: dev
      secretName: example

You can create TLS secret from existing PEM certificate:

kubectl create secret tls example --cert=example.crt --key=example.key