
You can customize the content of logs as well as enable audit logging.

Management Center uses Log4j 2 for its logging. By default, Management Center prints all logs except audit logs to standard output. This behavior is defined by the following Spring Boot configuration properties:

logging.pattern.console=%d [%highlight{%5p}{FATAL=red, ERROR=red, WARN=yellow, INFO=green, DEBUG=magenta}] [%style{%t{1.}}{cyan}] [%style{%c{1.}}{blue}]: %m%n%xwEx

Changing the Log Level

To change the logging level for all loggers, start Management Center with the hazelcast.mc.log.level property. For example, to use the debug logging level, start Management Center with the following line:


To change the logging level for the specific logger, start Management Center with the system property of the following format: logging.level.<logger-name>=<level>, where level is one of TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or OFF. The root logger can be configured by using logging.level.root.

For example,


Customizing the Logging Configuration

To further customize the logging configuration, you can create a custom Log4j 2 configuration file and start Management Center with the logging.config property.

For example, you can create a file named log4j2-custom.properties with the following content and write log messages into rolling log files. To use this file as the logging configuration, you would start Management Center with the -Dlogging.config=/path/to/your/log4j2-custom.properties command line parameter:

appender.console.layout.pattern=%d [%highlight{${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p}}{FATAL=red, ERROR=red, WARN=yellow, INFO=green, DEBUG=magenta}] [%style{%t{1.}}{cyan}] [%style{%c{1.}}{blue}]: %m%n

appender.rolling.layout.pattern=%d [%5p] [%t] [%c{.1}]: %m%n
appender.rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy


To enable JSON logging, you can activate json-logging profile by starting Management Center with the following parameter:


By default, Management Center uses a JSON logging template compliant with Elastic Common Schema (ECS) specification. You can change the logging template by providing a JSON logging template file as follows:

To use a custom JSON logging template, you must activate the json-logging profile as described above.

For more information about the JSON logging templates, see the Log4j2 JSON Layout documentation.

Audit Logging

To make it easier to examine suspicious activity and troubleshoot issues, you can use audit logging to keep a record of events that happen in Management Center such as user logins.

To enable audit logging, start Management Center with the hazelcast.mc.auditlog.enabled property set to true.

Log entries from the audit logging will be marked with the hazelcast.auditlog logging category, abbreviated as h.auditlog in logs.

An example log entry looks like the following:

2020-10-13 09:57:54,803 [ INFO] [qtp973576304-35] [h.auditlog]: MC-2001 [Auth]:User logged in:{username=JohnHallaign}

MC-2001 [Auth] you see in this example represents the log’s type.

Audit Logging Event Types

The following table lists the current log categories along with their types:

Event Category Log Type/Description

Management Center Configuration Logs

  • MC-0003 [Config]: User is created.

  • MC-0004 [Config]: User is edited.

  • MC-0005 [Config]: User’s password is changed.

  • MC-0006 [Config]: User is deleted.

  • MC-0009 [Config]: License is set.

Cluster Configuration Logs

  • MC-1001 [Cluster Config]: Map’s configuration is changed.

  • MC-1003 [Cluster Config]: Cluster’s state is changed.

  • MC-1004 [Cluster Config]: Cluster is shut down.

  • MC-1005 [Cluster Config]: Member is shut down.

  • MC-1006 [Cluster Config]: Lite member is promoted.

  • MC-1007 [Cluster Config]: Cluster version is changed.

  • MC-1008 [Cluster Config]: Data member is demoted.

Authentication Logs

  • MC-2001 [Auth]: User logs in.

  • MC-2002 [Auth]: User logs out.

  • MC-2003 [Auth]: Login failures.

  • MC-2004 [Auth]: User authentication token is issued.

  • MC-2005 [Auth]: User authentication token is revoked.

  • MC-2006 [Auth]: User authentication token login failed.

  • MC-2010 [Auth]: Prometheus authentication failed.

Scripting Logs

  • MC-3001 [Script]: Script is executed on a member.

Console Logs

  • MC-4001 [Console]: Console command is executed on the cluster.

Map/Cache Logs

  • MC-5001 [Browser]: User browses through a map screen in Management Center.

  • MC-5002 [Browser]: User browses through a cache screen in Management Center.

  • MC-5003 [Browser]: Map cleared.

Persistence Logs

  • MC-6001 [Persistence]: Force start is run.

  • MC-6002 [Persistence]: Partial start is run.

  • MC-6003 [Persistence]: Hot backup operation is triggered.

  • MC-6004 [Persistence]: Hot backup operation is interrupted.

WAN Replication Logs

  • MC-7001 [WAN]: WAN configuration is added.

  • MC-7002 [WAN]: WAN consistency check operation is run.

  • MC-7003 [WAN]: WAN synchronization on a map is run.

  • MC-7004 [WAN]: State of the WAN publisher is changed.

  • MC-7005 [WAN]: Clear operation for the WAN events queue is run.

CP Subsystem Logs

  • MC-8001 [CP Subsystem]: Member is promoted to be a CP subsystem member.

  • MC-8002 [CP Subsystem]: Member is removed from CP subsystem.

  • MC-8003 [CP Subsystem]: CP subsystem is reset.

Streaming Job Logs

  • MC-9001 [Streaming]: Job is restarted.

  • MC-9002 [Streaming]: Job is suspended.

  • MC-9003 [Streaming]: Job is resumed.

  • MC-9004 [Streaming]: Job is cancelled.

  • MC-9005 [Streaming]: Job snapshot is deleted.

  • MC-9006 [Streaming]: Job snapshot is exported.

  • MC-9007 [Streaming]: Job is cancelled and snapshot is exported.

Writing Audit Logs to Rolling Files

To write audit logs to separate rolling log files, you can use a Log4j 2 configuration file such as the following:

appender.console.layout.pattern=%d [%highlight{${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p}}{FATAL=red, ERROR=red, WARN=yellow, INFO=green, DEBUG=magenta}] [%style{%t{1.}}{cyan}] [%style{%c{1.}}{blue}]: %m%n

appender.audit.layout.pattern=%d [%5p] [%t] [%c{.1}]: %m%n
appender.audit.policies.type = Policies
appender.audit.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy

