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Data Structures

To allow your data structures to resolve your user code, you must reference the required namespace in the data structure configuration. You can configure the same namespace for multiple data structures.

Any data structure without a specific User Code Namespaces definition in its configuration uses the default namespace, if it has been configured. For further information on defining a default namespace, see the Non-associated Namespaces topic.

If your data structure configuration specifies a namespace that has not been configured, a fatal error is returned when an operation is performed on that data structure.

To configure User Code Namespaces for your data structure using static configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. If not already open, open the hazelcast configuration file in your preferred editor and scroll to your data structure configuration section

  2. Add the following to the end of your data structure configuration:

    • XML

    • YAML

       user-code-namespace: "myNameSpace"
  3. Save the file

Example Multimap Configuration Section

The following extract shows the full configuration, including the User Code Namespaces definition, for a Multimap data structure:

  • XML

  • YAML

<multimap name="default">
        <entry-listener include-value="true" local="true">com.hazelcast.examples.EntryListener</entry-listener>
    <merge-policy batch-size="100">PutIfAbsentMergePolicy</merge-policy>
      backup-count: 1
      async-backup-count: 0
      binary: true
      value-collection-type: SET
        - class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.EntryListener
          include-value: true
          local: true
      split-brain-protection-ref: splitBrainProtectionRuleWithThreeNodes
        batch-size: 100
        class-name: PutIfAbsentMergePolicy
      user-code-namespace: "myNameSpace"