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Using Hazelcast OSGI Service

Getting Hazelcast OSGI Service Instances

You can access all HazelcastOSGiService instances through org.osgi.framework.BundleContext for each Hazelcast bundle as follows:

for (ServiceReference serviceRef : context.getServiceReferences(HazelcastOSGiService.class.getName(), null)) {
    HazelcastOSGiService service = (HazelcastOSGiService) context.getService(serviceRef);
    String serviceId = service.getId();

Managing and Using Hazelcast instances

You can use HazelcastOSGiService instance to create and shutdown Hazelcast instances on OSGI environments. The created Hazelcast instances are HazelcastOSGiInstance typed (which is subtype of HazelcastInstance) and are just proxies to the underlying Hazelcast instance. There are several methods in HazelcastOSGiService to use Hazelcast instances on OSGI environments as shown below.

// Get the default Hazelcast instance owned by `hazelcastOsgiService`
// Returns null if `HAZELCAST_OSGI_START` is not enabled
HazelcastOSGiInstance defaultInstance = hazelcastOsgiService.getDefaultHazelcastInstance();

// Creates a new Hazelcast instance with default configurations as owned by `hazelcastOsgiService`
HazelcastOSGiInstance newInstance1 = hazelcastOsgiService.newHazelcastInstance();

// Creates a new Hazelcast instance with specified configuration as owned by `hazelcastOsgiService`
Config config = new Config();
HazelcastOSGiInstance newInstance2 = hazelcastOsgiService.newHazelcastInstance(config);

// Gets the Hazelcast instance with the name `OSGI-Instance`, which is `newInstance2` created above
HazelcastOSGiInstance instance = hazelcastOsgiService.getHazelcastInstanceByName("OSGI-Instance");

// Shuts down the Hazelcast instance with name `OSGI-Instance`, which is `newInstance2`

// Print all active Hazelcast instances owned by `hazelcastOsgiService`
for (HazelcastOSGiInstance instance : hazelcastOsgiService.getAllHazelcastInstances()) {

// Shuts down all Hazelcast instances owned by `hazelcastOsgiService`