5.2.5 Release Notes


  • Improved the permission checks in the file connectors by adding a method that returns the permissions required to resolve field names. #25674

  • Updated the versions of following dependencies:


  • Fixed an issue where the entry listeners for Replicated Maps were checking the Map permissions instead of the Replicated Map permissions. #25971

  • Fixed an issue where the map entries' metadata, such as time-to-live and expiration, was not replicated correctly over WAN after updating existing entries. #25506

  • Fixed an issue where there was a difference between the elapsed clock time and elapsed total time when listening to migration events. #25066

  • Fixed an issue where the member list was not updated after a cluster failover scenario. #24944

  • Renamed the service port for Hazelcast clusters deployed in Kubernetes environments to hazelcast. The previous name, hazelcast-service-port, caused member auto-discovery for embedded deployments to fail. #24841

  • Fixed an issue where Hazelcast was sending empty map interceptor information to the members that are newly joined to the cluster; it was causing eager map initializations. #24669

Removed/Deprecated Features

  • Removed the evaluation tool (for trying out Platform 5.x features for IMDG 3.x users) and the relevant IMDG 3.x JAR libraries from Hazelcast Platform distributions. #25697


We would like to thank the contributors from our open source community who worked on this release: