5.2.0 Release Notes

New Features

  • Hazelcast CLC can now automatically read data serialized using compact and portable serialization.

  • Added the ability to select a configuration from a list or import a Cloud configuration when a configuration is not provided in the shell mode.

  • Added the --quite (shorthand -q) flag which suppresses unnecessary outputs. Hazelcast CLC outputs can be sometimes noisy, such as success message logs; you can use this flag for a more quiet output.

  • Added the CLC_CLIENT_NAME environment variable which allows overriding the default client name.

  • Added the CLC_CLIENT_LABELS environment variable which allows overriding the default client labels with a comma separated list of labels.

  • Added support for Cloud Standard.

  • Added the following commands:

    • object list: Lists the distributed data structures in the cluster.

    • completion: Generates the autocompletion script for the specified shell, either Bash, Fish, Powershell or Zsh. Use --help for more information.

    • config add: Adds configuration to the Hazelcast CLC. For example, to connect to a specific cluster.

    • config list: Lists known configurations.

    • home: Outputs the Hazelcast CLC home directory, which stores all configuration, logs and other files.

  • Added support for the following output formats, using the --format flag:

    • CSV

    • Delimited. Outputs with tab characters between fields. This is the default format when working in non-interactive mode.

    • JSON

    • Table. This is the default format when working in interactive mode.

  • Added SQL shortcuts to the Hazelcast CLC shell:

    • \dm: Lists mappings.

    • \dm MAPPING: Displays information about a mapping.

    • \dm+ MAPPING: Describes a mapping.

  • Added the --show-type flag for map commands, which outputs the type of key and value even if they can’t be decoded.


  • Removed the SQL browser.

  • The interactive mode defaults to running SQL queries. Prefix CLC commands with a backslash \.

  • Simplified the configuration format.

  • Map commands no longer use a flag for the key and value. They are passed as positional arguments: $ map set -n my-map my-key my-value.

  • The Map name is optional and defaults to default.

  • Removed map get-all, map put and map put-all commands.

  • Added the map set command.

  • Auto-completion is disabled in interactive mode.

  • Cloud Standard is the default cloud platform.

  • The shell connects to the cluster on demand.

Known issues

  • Powershell autocompletion does not work.

  • Ctrl+(left/right) key combinations don’t work as expected in the interactive mode. You can set the CLC_EXPERIMENTAL_READLINE environment variable to ny to use an alternative readline implementation.