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Installing the Hazelcast CLC

The Hazelcast Command-Line Client (CLC) is available to install in macOS, Linux, and Windows environments. You can install the Hazelcast CLC, using one of the following:

  • Using an install script on Linux or macOS

  • Windows installer

  • Downloading a pre-built binary

Installing on macOS

The Hazelcast CLC is supported on macOS 15 or newer versions.

  • Install Script (Intel)

  • Install Script (Apple Silicon)

  • Build from Source

  1. Run the following command to install CLC using the install script we provide:

    curl https://hazelcast.com/clc/install.sh | bash
  1. Run the following command to install CLC using the install script we provide:

    curl https://hazelcast.com/clc/install.sh | bash
  1. Make sure the following are installed:

    • GNU Make (check with the make --version command). If it is not already installed, you can install Xcode Command Line Tools Package.

      xcode-select --install
    • Go 1.21 or newer (check with the go version command)

  2. Go to the releases page, and locate the compressed source file (v5.3.5.zip).

  3. Download and unzip the file.

  4. Change into the hazelcast-commandline-client-5.3.5 directory.

    cd hazelcast-commandline-client-5.3.5
  5. Run the following command to build the Hazelcast CLC.

    CLC_VERSION=v5.3.5 make

    The clc binary is created in the build directory.

  6. Run the following command to start the Hazelcast CLC.

  7. Optionally make clc available without using its full path. You can do that by moving clc to one of the directories in the $PATH environment variable. /usr/local/bin is a safe choice.

    sudo mv ./build/clc /usr/local/bin

Installing on Linux

The Hazelcast CLC runs on any recent Linux distribution. We test it on Ubuntu 22.04.

  • Install Script (AMD64)

  • Build from Source

  1. Run the following command to install CLC using the install script we provide:

    curl https://hazelcast.com/clc/install.sh | bash
  1. Make sure the following are installed:

    • GNU Make (check with the make --version command). It is installed by default on most Linux distributions.

    • Go 1.21 or newer (check with the go version command)

  2. Go to the releases page, and locate the source tarball (v5.3.5.tar.gz).

  3. Download and uncompress the file.

    tar xf v5.3.5.tar.gz
  4. Change into the hazelcast-commandline-client-5.3.5 directory.

    cd hazelcast-commandline-client-5.3.5
  5. Run the following command to build the Hazelcast CLC.

    CLC_VERSION=v5.3.5 make

    The clc binary is created in the build directory.

  6. Run the following command to start the Hazelcast CLC.

  7. Optionally make clc available without using its full path. You can do that by moving clc to one of the directories in the $PATH environment variable. /usr/local/bin is a safe choice.

    sudo mv ./build/clc /usr/local/bin

Installing on Windows

The Hazelcast CLC is supported on Windows 10 or newer versions. We provide pre-built binaries only for 64bit Intel/AMD architecture.

  • Installer

  1. Go to the releases page, and locate the Windows installer file (hazelcast-clc-setup-v5.3.5.exe).

  2. Download and the run the installer on your system to start the installation wizard.

  3. Follow the steps on the wizard; when you see the "Completing the Hazelcast CLC Setup Wizard" dialog, press Finish to complete the installation.

  4. clc.exe is automatically added to the PATH environment variable, so it can be started in the terminal without its full path.

  5. Start the Hazelcast CLC from the start menu or by running the following command.


Verifying the Hazelcast CLC Installation

To check whether the Hazelcast CLC is installed properly, run the following command on a terminal.

clc version

If installed, the Hazelcast CLC version information displays.

Uninstalling the Hazelcast CLC

Choose the option that corresponds to your installation method.

  • Windows

  • Install Script (Linux/macOS)

  1. Go to Apps & Features setting (Start menuWindows SettingsApps).

  2. Locate Hazelcast CLC version 5.3.5 under Apps & Features list.

  3. Right-click on it and select Uninstall.

  4. Press Yes on the uninstallation dialog.

Delete the $HOME/.hazelcast directory.

Next Steps

In this section you’ve learnt how to install the Hazelcast CLC on the supported operating systems. To start using the Hazelcast CLC, check the following resources:

  • See Get Started for a complete introduction to the Hazelcast CLC.

  • See Configuration to configure the details of the connection between the Hazelcast CLC and a Hazelcast Platform cluster.

  • See Command Reference for a complete list and descriptions of commands you can use with the Hazelcast CLC.