Using the Scripts in the Package

This chapter explains how to install Hazelcast and start a Hazelcast member and client. It describes the executable files in the download package and also provides the fundamentals for configuring Hazelcast and its deployment options.

When you download and extract the Hazelcast ZIP or TAR.GZ package, you will see the following scripts under the /bin folder that provide basic functionalities for member and cluster management.

The following are the names and descriptions of each script:

  • / start.bat: Starts a Hazelcast member with default configuration in the working directory.

  • / stop.bat: Stops the Hazelcast member that was started in the current working directory. / start.bat scripts lets you start one Hazelcast instance per folder. To start a new instance, please unzip Hazelcast ZIP or TAR.GZ package in a new folder.
    You can also use the start scripts to deploy your own library to a Hazelcast member. See the Adding User Library to CLASSPATH section.
  • Provides basic functionalities for cluster management, such as getting and changing the cluster state, shutting down the cluster or forcing the cluster to clean its persisted data and make a fresh start. See the Using the Script section to learn the usage of this script.

  • Provides access to the CP subsystem management APIs using the REST interface. See the CP Subsystem Management APIs section.

  • Provides basic information about your clusters such as the state and size. See the Using the Script section.