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Starts the interactive shell for running SQL queries and Hazelcast CLC commands.

The shell defaults to running SQL queries, which you can execute from a command prompt and get the result. The query should end with a semicolon:

CLC> select * from cities;
      __key | country                   | city                      | population
          1 | United Kingdom            | London                    |    9540576
          5 | Turkey                    | Ankara                    |    5309690
          4 | United States             | Los Angeles               |    3985520

In order to run Hazelcast CLC commands, prefix them with a backslash (\):

CLC> \object list --show-hidden
 Service Name     | Object Name
 executor         | hot-backup-executor
 flakeidgenerator | __jet.ids
 map              | cities
 replicatedmap    | __sql.catalog

You can enter multiline commands by ending all lines except the last line with a backslash (\):

CLC> \object list \
 ... --show-hidden
 Service Name     | Object Name
 executor         | hot-backup-executor
 flakeidgenerator | __jet.ids
 map              | cities
 replicatedmap    | __sql.catalog