Deploying Custom Classes With the User Code Namespace

Learn how to deploy custom classes with the User Code Namespace


In this tutorial, you’ll do the following:

  • Deploy Hazelcast with userCodeNamespaces enabled.

  • Create a custom EntryListener class and package it into a JAR.

  • Upload the JAR file to cloud storage.

  • Apply a UserCodeNamespace resource, referencing the JAR in storage.

  • Create a Map resource with the EntryListener, setting userCodeNamespaces the same as the UserCodeNamespace object.

Before you Begin

You need the following:

Step 1. Start the Hazelcast Cluster

  1. Create a license secret

    Create a secret with your Hazelcast Enterprise License.

    kubectl create secret generic hazelcast-license-key --from-literal=license-key=<hz-license-key>
  2. Create the Hazelcast Cluster

    Run the following command to create the Hazelcast cluster with Persistence enabled using External type.

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: Hazelcast
      name: hazelcast
      clusterSize: 1
      repository: ""
      version: "5.5.4"
      licenseKeySecretName: hazelcast-license-key
      userCodeNamespaces: {}
  3. Check the Cluster Status

    Run the following commands to see the cluster status

    $ kubectl get hazelcast hazelcast
    hazelcast   Running   1/1

Step 2. Deploy the EntryListener JAR to Cloud Storage

In this step, you’ll build the EntryListener JAR from the tutorial’s GitHub repository, and upload it to your cloud provider.

  1. Clone the sample project.

    • HTTPS

    • SSH

    git clone
    cd hazelcast-platform-operator-user-code-namespace
    git clone [email protected]:hazelcast-guides/hazelcast-platform-operator-user-code-namespace.git
    cd hazelcast-platform-operator-user-code-namespace

    The sample code for this tutorial is in the simple-entry-listener/src/main/java/com/hazelcast/tutorial/ directory:

  2. Build the SimpleEntryListener JAR.

    mvn package -f ./simple-entry-listener
  3. Upload the SimpleEntryListener JAR to the storage blob/bucket of your cloud provider, replacing the placeholder values.

    • S3

    • GCS

    • ABS

    aws s3 cp simple-entry-listener/target/simple-entry-listener-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar s3://<BUCKET_NAME>
    gsutil cp simple-entry-listener/target/simple-entry-listener-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar gs://<BUCKET_NAME>
    az storage blob upload --account-name <ACCOUNT_NAME> --container-name <CONTAINER_NAME> --file simple-entry-listener/target/simple-entry-listener-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  4. Create a secret for your cloud storage by running one of the following commands. Remember to replace the placeholder values.

    • AWS

    • GCP

    • Azure

    kubectl create secret generic <SECRET-NAME> --from-literal=region=<region> \
    	--from-literal=access-key-id=<access-key-id> \
    kubectl create secret generic <SECRET-NAME> --from-file=google-credentials-path=<service_account_json_file>
    kubectl create secret generic <SECRET-NAME> \
    	--from-literal=storage-account=<storage-account> \

Step 3. Apply the UserCodeNamespace resource

  1. Apply the UserCodeNamespace resource

    Run the following command to create the UserCodeNamespace, referencing to the bucket where the EntryLister JAR is located.

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: UserCodeNamespace
      name: my-ucn
      hazelcastResourceName: hazelcast
        secretName: <SECRET_NAME>
        bucketURI: <BUCKET_URI>
  2. Check the status of the UserCodeNamespace resource

    Run the following command to check the status of the UserCodeNamespace resource

    $ kubectl get ucn my-ucn
    my-ucn   Success

    It verifies that:

    • The user code namespaces called my-ucn is created.

    • The jars in the bucket are downloaded into the members’ classpath.

    • The classes in the jars are added to the my-ucn namespace.

Step 4. Create the Map with the EntryListener

  1. Create the Map in a specific namespace

    Run the following command to create the Map with the SimpleEntryListener class in the my-ucn namespace.

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: Map
      name: my-map
      hazelcastResourceName: hazelcast
      userCodeNamespace: my-ucn
        - className: com.hazelcast.tutorial.SimpleEntryListener
  2. Check the status of the Map

    Run the following command to check the status of the Map

    $ kubectl get map my-map
    my-map   Success

    The status of my-map is Success, indicating that the map was successfully created with the user code namespace my-ucn and includes one EntryListener class, com.hazelcast.tutorial.SimpleEntryListener.

    You can optionally put some entries to the map to observe the EntryListener in action.

    $ kubectl logs hazelcast-0
    Entry Added:EntryEvent{entryEventType=ADDED, member=Member []:5702 - 237432e4-7a74-49ec-a2e5-d13ac9a8a41c this, name='my-map', key=gSMjgutLELKzZEEn, oldValue=null, value=LXqfGSOlYSIhMbTETLCNXgrYGbmdxCEpwmbPzmRkJjUCWUCu, mergingValue=null}
    Entry Added:EntryEvent{entryEventType=ADDED, member=Member []:5702 - 237432e4-7a74-49ec-a2e5-d13ac9a8a41c this, name='my-map', key=MehMxfDQQAzSlJHc, oldValue=null, value=GJTqmcmeSGPbRzQHjcSQDrQtttDxqwrFuginlqZRtxkUMCll, mergingValue=null}
    Entry Added:EntryEvent{entryEventType=ADDED, member=Member []:5702 - 237432e4-7a74-49ec-a2e5-d13ac9a8a41c this, name='my-map', key=YcSjQHklapAKVgZh, oldValue=null, value=QUmnTsqnTzivhROWpHlDujCuMwVnLzYSELwoNgWHkPEzwouL, mergingValue=null}
    Entry Added:EntryEvent{entryEventType=ADDED, member=Member []:5702 - 237432e4-7a74-49ec-a2e5-d13ac9a8a41c this, name='my-map', key=XeHNRdcizbNZQgZH, oldValue=null, value=SFuZPrNNDbhHCGwAHLQWZZVmTBLvCFcUAawGSKzyAetQOpEi, mergingValue=null}
    Entry Added:EntryEvent{entryEventType=ADDED, member=Member []:5702 - 237432e4-7a74-49ec-a2e5-d13ac9a8a41c this, name='my-map', key=mcPOBkUEmzBEkgXJ, oldValue=null, value=oTKCqSFoExFHuRKtzUcLjFdPbSPLihVBPfvafiQXppayJzom, mergingValue=null}

Step 6. Clean Up

To clean up the created resources remove the secrets and Hazelcast Custom Resources.

$ kubectl delete secret <external-bucket-secret-name>
$ kubectl delete secret hazelcast-license-key
$ kubectl delete hazelcast hazelcast