Deploy Hazelcast Cluster on AWS EC2

What You’ll Learn

In this tutorial, you will create two EC2 instances with Hazelcast members and see them connecting to each other and forming a cluster via Hazelcast AWS plugin.

Before you Begin

Steps 1 to 4 cover the creation and the configuration of VPC, internet gateway, route table, subnet and IAM role. If you already have these configured you can skip them. However, make sure that you have these properties before creating instances:

  • Have an IAM role with ec2:DescribeInstances permission

  • Have a security group with at least port 5701 open

  • Able to establish SSH connections to instances

1. Create and Configure a VPC

Let’s start with creating a VPC on which our instances will run.

1.1. Create a VPC

  • AWS Console


Under VPC > Your VPCs section of AWS console, create a new VPC and give it a name you can remember in the next steps:

ss1 create vpc

Create a VPC with a cidr block and note the VpcId to use afterwards:

$ aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block

  - AssociationId: vpc-cidr-assoc-***********
      State: associated
  DhcpOptionsId: dopt-*******
  InstanceTenancy: default
  Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet: []
  IsDefault: false
  OwnerId: '***********'
  State: pending
  VpcId: vpc-***********

Then add a name tag you can remember in the next steps:

$ aws ec2 create-tags --resources vpc-*********** \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=hazelcast-guide

1.1.1. Create an Internet Gateway

Now create an internet gateway to be attached to your VPC. You will need this gateway to establish SSH connections to instances:

  • AWS Console


ss1.1.1 create igw

Note the InternetGatewayId when it is created:

$ aws ec2 create-internet-gateway

  Attachments: []
  InternetGatewayId: igw-**************
  OwnerId: '**************'
  Tags: []

Then add a name tag to make it distinguishable:

$ aws ec2 create-tags --resources igw-************** \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=hazelcast-guide

1.1.2. Attach the Internet Gateway

After creating an internet gateway, attach it to your VPC.

  • AWS Console


Navigate to VPC > Internet gateways > Attach to VPC section. Choose the VPC you just created among the available ones:

ss1.1.2 attach igw

Using their id’s, attach the gateway to the VPC:

$ aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway \
    --internet-gateway-id igw-*********** \
    --vpc-id vpc-***********

1.2. Add Default Route

Now add the default route to the route table. This step will make you able to connect to instances via SSH.

  • AWS Console


Under the VPC description, navigate to route table shown in the orange box:

ss1.2.1 nav to routes

Under Routes tab, you need the default one ( listed. Edit routes to add this one:

ss1.2.2 list routes

As the target, pick the internet gateway you created in section 1.1.1 and save:

ss1.2.3 add route

To add a route, find the RouteTableId of the VPC first:

$ aws ec2 describe-route-tables \
    --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-***********

- Associations:
  - AssociationState:
      State: associated
    Main: true
    RouteTableAssociationId: rtbassoc-***********
    RouteTableId: rtb-***********
  OwnerId: '***********'
  PropagatingVgws: []
  RouteTableId: rtb-***********
  - DestinationCidrBlock:
    GatewayId: local
    Origin: CreateRouteTable
    State: active
  Tags: []
  VpcId: vpc-***********

Then create the default route using the InternetGatewayId:

$ aws ec2 create-route --route-table-id rtb-*********** \
    --destination-cidr-block \
    --gateway-id igw-***********

2. Create a Subnet in the VPC

Let’s continue with creating a subnet in the VPC.

  • AWS Console


Under VPC > Subnets section, choose Create Subnet. Pick the proper VPC and give the subnet a recognizable name:

ss2 create subnet

Create a subnet in the VPC using the VpcId and note the SubnetId when created:

$ aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id vpc-*********** \
    --cidr-block \
    --availability-zone us-east-1a

  AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation: false
  AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a
  AvailabilityZoneId: use1-az4
  AvailableIpAddressCount: 65531
  DefaultForAz: false
  Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet: []
  MapPublicIpOnLaunch: false
  OwnerId: '***********'
  State: available
  SubnetArn: ***********
  SubnetId: subnet-***********
  VpcId: vpc-***********

Then add a name tag using the SubnetId you can remember in the next steps:

$ aws ec2 create-tags --resources subnet-*********** \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=hazelcast-guide

3. Create an IAM Role

The EC2 instances we will create need the IAM role to have ec2:DescribeInstances permission. This way, Hazelcast members are able to fetch other instance IPs and connect them dynamically. If you already have an IAM role, check the permissions. Otherwise, create a new one with the permission. For instance, AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy contains DescribeInstances permission and is enough to complete this guide.

  • AWS Console


  • Navigate to IAM > Roles and create a new role on Access Management > Role > Create Role section for EC2 use case:

ss3 create iam role
  • Attach permission policies for the role:

ss3 create iam with permission

Create a role policy in assume-role-policy.json first:

$ cat <<EOT >> assume-role-policy.json
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
        "Principal": {
          "Service": ""
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Sid": ""

Then create a role with this policy:

$ aws iam create-role --role-name hazelcast-guide \
    --assume-role-policy-document file://assume-role-policy.json

  Arn: ***********
    - Action: sts:AssumeRole
      Effect: Allow
      Sid: ''
    Version: '2012-10-17'
  CreateDate: '2020-12-17T12:46:24+00:00'
  Path: /
  RoleId: ***********
  RoleName: hazelcast-guide

Now attach AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess to the role:

$ aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess \
    --role-name hazelcast-guide

As the last step, create an instance profile and add the role created above to this profile:

$ aws iam create-instance-profile \
    --instance-profile-name hazelcast-guide-EC2-Instance-Profile

  Arn: ***********
  CreateDate: '2020-12-17T13:44:47+00:00'
  InstanceProfileId: ***********
  InstanceProfileName: hazelcast-guide-EC2-Instance-Profile
  Path: /
  Roles: []

$ aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile \
    --role-name hazelcast-guide \
    --instance-profile-name hazelcast-guide-EC2-Instance-Profile

4. Create a Security Group

As the last step, create a security group in your VPC with the proper inbound rules for Hazelcast. Allow port 5701 among inbound rules as it’s the default port of Hazelcast. If you plan to run more than one Hazelcast member on an EC2 Instance, then you should open more ports. Also, do not forget to allow SSH port:

  • AWS Console


Navigate to VPC > Security Groups and create a new one:

ss4 create security group

Create a security group with the VpcId and note the returned GroupId:

$ aws ec2 create-security-group \
    --group-name hazelcast-guide \
    --description "Hazelcast EC2 Guide" \
    --vpc-id vpc-***********

GroupId: sg-***********

Open the SSH port:

$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --group-id sg-*********** \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 22 \

Open a port for Hazelcast:

$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --group-id sg-*********** \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 5701 \

5. Create EC2 Instances

  • AWS Console


Let’s start creating our instances via LaunchInstanceWizard under EC2 > Launch Instances on AWS Console.

  • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Amazon Linux is used in this guide:

ss5.1 create instance
  • Choose an instance type:

ss5.2 create instance
  • Now configure instance details with the VPC, subnet and IAM roles you created above. Notice that the number of instances is 2. Also, enable Auto-assign Public IP to establish SSH connections later on.

ss5.3 create instance
  • Next, add a unique tag to the instances. This is optional but recommended if your AWS account has many running instances associated with:

ss5.4 create instance
  • Finally, select the security group you created above:

ss5.5 create instance

As the last step, select your key pair for the instances and that’s it. You can launch instances now.

Using the id’s and the names you set above, now run two EC2 instances. In addition to the steps so far, you need to have a key pair and pass it via --key-name flag. The command below will start two Amazon Linux machines with type t2.micro and assign public IP addresses to each. Also a tag named "cluster-tag" with "guide-ec2-cluster" value will be assigned to the instances:

$ aws ec2 run-instances \
    --image-id resolve:ssm:/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 \
    --count 2 --instance-type t2.micro \
    --key-name *********** \
    --security-group-ids sg-*********** \
    --subnet-id subnet-*********** \
    --iam-instance-profile Name="hazelcast-guide-EC2-Instance-Profile" \
    --associate-public-ip-address \
    --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=cluster-tag,Value=guide-ec2-cluster}]'

Then fetch the instance id’s filtered by their tags:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --filters "Name=tag:cluster-tag,Values=guide-ec2-cluster" \
    --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId"

- i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- i-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Finally, fetch the public IPs of the instances to establish SSH connections in the next step:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --instance-ids i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy \
    --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].PublicIpAddress'

- 5.10.x.y
- 6.12.x.y

6. Create a Hazelcast Cluster

  • Now that you have 2 instances running with the same IAM role, let’s connect to each of them via SSH:

ssh -i "<your-key-pair>.pem" ec2-user@<instance-public-ip>

If you encounter any problem regarding the SSH connection, see SSH troubleshooting page in AWS documentation.

  • After SSH connection is established, install Hazelcast CLI to the instances:

wget -O hazelcast-rpm.repo
sudo mv hazelcast-rpm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install hazelcast
  • Now start Hazelcast members in both EC2 instances:

hz start

When Hazelcast members find each other, you will see a log similar to below for each instance:

Members {size:2, ver:2} [
	Member [10.0.x.x]:5701 - 1cc76eb9-4032-4ba2-870c-43baba3cbd88
	Member [10.0.y.y]:5701 - 3e8b66fc-52eb-4379-ae11-4b6e30549055 this

By default, Hazelcast will use the current region, the IAM Role attached to the EC2 instance and the port range 5701-5708 to discover other Hazelcast members in other instances. You can configure Hazelcast such that it tries to connect to certain EC2 instances only. For instance, if you use the tag from Section 5, Hazelcast will filter the available instances based on this tag and won’t attempt to connect if the tag does not match:

export HZ_NETWORK_JOIN_AWS_TAGKEY=cluster-tag
export HZ_NETWORK_JOIN_AWS_TAGVALUE=guide-ec2-cluster
hz start

You can find all discovery configuration details on Hazelcast AWS discovery plugin documentation.


In this tutorial, you created all AWS components you need to form a Hazelcast cluster on EC2. Then you started two Hazelcast members on two different EC2 instances and saw them connecting each other and forming a cluster. If you created more EC2 instances and Hazelcast members in the same way, these members would also find each other and they all would form a single cluster.