Hazelcast Platform Operator


Hazelcast Operator simplifies the deployment and management of Hazelcast clusters on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift platforms. It automates common management tasks, making it easier for Development and DevOps teams to work with Hazelcast clusters in cloud-native environments.

For example, you can use Hazelcast Platform Operator to automate the following tasks:

  • Configuration

  • Creation

  • Scaling

  • Recovery

Hazelcast and Kubernetes are complex systems which you will need a good understanding of before you use Operator. Refer to the Platform documentation for more information about Hazelcast.

Hazelcast Operator only supports Enterprise deployments of Hazelcast clusters. The Community Edition does not provide support for the Operator.

Key features and benefits

The aim of Operator is to manage a Hazelcast deployment on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift so that you do not need to worry about the operational complexities of running Hazelcast. It offers:

  • Kubernetes-native experience: Hazelcast Operator makes the Hazelcast Platform truly Kubernetes-native by using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

  • Automated configuration and management: It handles configuration, creation, scaling, and recovery tasks automatically

  • Simplified persistence, backup and restore: Makes it easier to enable persistence on Hazelcast and manage backup and restore on Kubernetes

  • Support for WAN Replication: Simplifies the configuration and management of WAN Replication in Kubernetes environments

  • Dynamic configuration: Allows updating configurations without cluster restarts, enhancing flexibility

  • Rich API: Provides an intuitive API that abstracts complex Hazelcast configurations, focusing on features rather than on specific settings

  • Automatic feature lifecycle control: Simplifies advanced operations such as cluster backups without manual intervention

  • Platform-specific optimizations: Automatically applies optimal configurations based on the runtime environment

By using Hazelcast Operator, teams can benefit from a more streamlined, automated, and Kubernetes-native approach to managing Hazelcast clusters. This helps to reduce complexity and improve operational efficiency in cloud environments.

Supported Platform Versions

Kubernetes Versions

Hazelcast Platform Operator supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.26

  • 1.27

  • 1.28

  • 1.29

  • 1.30

Every Hazelcast Platform Operator version is tested against these Kubernetes versions.

OpenShift Versions

Hazelcast Platform Operator supports following OpenShift versions:

  • 4.13

  • 4.14

  • 4.15

  • 4.16

Get Started

For information on how to install Operator and deploy a Hazelcast cluster, see: Deploy a Cluster with the Hazelcast Platform Operator for Kubernetes.