What is Flow


Modern organizations have multiple services and data sources and, with the move to microservices, this is on the rise.

However, while microservices are great, lots of services means lots of plumbing, which can quickly become brittle, making change difficult.

Flow addresses this by automatically building and maintaining the integration between services, allowing services to stay decoupled from one another.

Consumer-centric integration

Flow allows consumers to ask for the data they need, without specifying how to fetch it. Flow generates the integration on the fly, using Taxi metadata embedded inside API specs.

This means that as APIs evolve, or as services are deployed or replaced, Flow’s integrations automatically adapt, without requiring clients to change.

Overview of Flow

given {
   emailAddress : EmailAddress = "jimmy@demo.com"
} find {
   lastPurchase: {
      @Format("dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
      date : LastPurchaseDate
      value : LastPurchaseValue
   accountBalance : AccountBalance

Flow leverages schemas to automatically work out which services to call, and sequences them together to pass data from service to service, in order to discover the data clients need.

What clients see

Integration that adapts with you

Services publish their schemas to Flow, which describes their APIs and the data they provide.

Flow uses this to build integration plans on the fly. This means that as your APIs change, Flow automatically adapts, keeping clients protected from the change.

There are no resolvers to update, Swagger SDKs to rebuild, or API consumer contracts to refactor.

Flow provides several ways for services to generate and publish their schema: hand-crafted schemas, automatically generated at runtime, Git-backed in a central repository, or a mix of the three.

Semantic data schemas

Semantic schemas describe the meaning of their data in a way that’s shareable between systems, for example:

Schema attribute What it tells us

Field name

Where to find information

Data type

How to read / write from the wire

But how do you define what the data means in a broader ecosystem?

Today’s schemas aren’t semantic

Today, when we connect two systems together, an engineer has to build a mental model between the field name and the data they’re looking for.

// The id attribute in the Customer model from the Accounts systems
// is the same as the custId attribute in the Purchase model from sales system
namespace accounts {
   model Customer {
     id : String  // This is the same...
namespace sales {
   model Purchase {
      custId : String //...as this

This has a few shortcomings:

  • The mapping of Customer.id -> Purchase.custId gets embedded in code. If a field name changes, this breaks, making change difficult.

  • The mapping gets repeated for every consumer.

This mapping exercise takes place because traditional schemas don’t provide rich enough information to link on anything else.

If a field gets renamed, things break!

What’s missing is semantic metadata - something that describes how data across systems relates, independent of field names.

Define semantic metadata

Taxi is a language for defining and embedding semantic metadata.

It allows us to represent how data links between systems, without relying on field names.

// Define the semantic concept
type CustomerId inherits String

namespace accounts {
   model Customer {
     id : CustomerId  // This is the same...
namespace sales {
   model Purchase {
      custId : CustomerId //...as this

These semantic types are defined in Taxi. You can either choose to describe your APIs using Taxi (which has first class support for semantic metadata), or embed Taxi metadata within other schema languages, such as OpenAPI:

  • Customer OpenAPI Spec

  • Sales OpenAPI Spec

# An extract of the CustomerApi OpenAPI spec:
        id:                  # Field name
          x-taxi-type:       # <-- Taxi extension
            name: CustomerId # <-- Semantic type
            type: string
# An extract of the ShoppingCartApi OpenAPI spec:
        custId:              # Field name
          x-taxi-type:       # <-- Taxi extension
            name: CustomerId # <-- Semantic type
            type: string

Semantic driven integration

Once we understand how data across systems relates, we can use the rest of the API specs to work out how to connect them together.

For example, given a Purchase from our Orders system, we can understand how to look up information about the customer from the Customer system.

Linked services

Flow performs this integration for us.

By sending a request in TaxiQL, we can ask for data, without specifying how data relates, or which systems to get the data from.

find { Purchases[] } as {
  purchaseId : PurchaseId // Comes from the Purchase object
  customerName : CustomerName // Looked up by calling the Customer service

This means that systems are free to update field names, replace databases with APIs, APIs with databases, etc. Consumers remain unaffected.

Find out more about semantic data and Taxi on the Taxi website.